#159: Him and your Mom hang out

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Louis went up and knocked on your mother's door putting his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to come answer. When she opened the door and saw Louis she was glad to see him.

"Hey Louis honey, how are you?"

"I'm great and you?"

"Thank you for asking. I'm still keepin on. I'm gettin old."

"Mom, you don't look a day over 30." Louis says smiling.

"Boy, I wish I could still be 30...come on in, I just made chili." Louis smiled stepping into your old childhood home. He looked around at all the family photos and breathed in and out.

"So how's the family been holding up without your mom?" She asked him rubbing his shoulder. She knew it was an emotional topic for Louis but he had no problem speaking of it with your mom. He always felt that he could open up to her. Not to mention, it was good closure for Louis and it was his outlet.

"Everyone's doing ok. They've been better." He sighed.

"Well I just want you to know that you're always welcome here when you need you know...a mother figure to talk to. I think of you as one of my own sons." She chuckled giving him a hug.

"Thanks Mom. I mean...you're like a mom." He smiles.

"Not like, I am a Mom." She says laughing with Louis. "Now how about that Chili I told you about?"

Louis nods excited to be able to indulge in your mom's cooking. If there's one thing that could cheer Louis up, it was you or your mom's home cooking.

"This chili is awesome Mom...really it is. What kind of rice do you use?" He asks.

"Jasmine rice. It's better for you and it's fluffier. If you want, you can take some home. I'm not gonna eat it all by myself, and I'm sure [Y/N] would love it."

"It's alright Mom, but thank you. I think I need to head out and get [Y/N] from work."

"Ok hun drive safe. Thanks for stopping by."

"No problem, Thank you for letting me hang. I enjoy your company." He says shyly giving your mom a hug.


You and Liam have been together for a minute and he felt he was ready to propose to you. He even got your mom's blessing to propose to you and she was willing to go with him to pick out a ring. He went to go pick her up so that they could spend the day going around to different jewelry places.

He helped your mom into his car and she smiled excited for Liam considering she knew you'd most likely say yes.

"So Mom...I've never done this before...and you were married at one time. Where could I find a good ring?" He asks.

"Well...my Ex-husband got my engagement ring from one of the traditional places you see on TV. Let me just remind you this is [Y/N] were talking about...you gotta go a little more unique with hers." She says.

"Well what does she like?"

"Why are you asking me? That's your soon to be fiancé, not mine." She says making Liam laugh.

"Now that I think about it she might actually like something that's more...custom made you know..."

"Don't think to Hard on it Liam. My daughter loves you. Whatever you choose for her she's gonna like it if she knows what's good for her. She better like it or I'm tearing her up." She says laughing as Liam hides a smile. Liam pulls up to the mall since that's where most people find pretty decent rings and the two of them walk in and go to some Russian jewelry store that's never been heard of.

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