#16: Your Infant Son (Louis)

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(For this one I just went through my phone and decided to use this picture of my nephew. Lol he's so cute)

*Some quick background*

Your son's name is Dorian, he was around 5 months old, and he was so much like his father that it was ridiculous. He looked like him, he was impatient like him, and he always had so much Sass. Dorian was really shy around people though. It didn't even matter if he knew them or not, it scared him to be around a lot of people at once and everyone always wanted to hold him but his shyness kind of helped him prevent that. When it came to you and Louis he was such a sweet heart and he wanted nothing but attention.


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You scurried around the kitchen getting lunch ready for Dorian while he was still taking his nap. He was gonna wake up at any minute and you just wanted to have it done so he would fuss less. When you got the pot boiling the baby monitor went off and you flew up the steps. You turned the corner into his room and he was screaming in his crib to be picked up.

"Hey Dorian, did you sleep good?" You asked picking him up. He started to whine until you laid him down on the diaper table to change him.

"It's just me and you today bud, your dad left for work at 10." You sighed getting him in a fresh diaper. You changed his onesy and put a bib on him before grabbing a cloth and taking him downstairs.

"Mmm, your bottle is almost ready." You smile in his face watching him get excited. You stirred the 4 ounce bottle in the boiling water for a bit until it was Luke warm. Then you sat in front of the tv so you could feed him.

"Wow, you were hungry today boy." You sat him at a 45 degree angle in your lap while he looked at you staring at him. You watched as he furrowed his eyebrows focusing on his bottle, you thought...Damn he looked too much like Louis when he did that. In about 15 minutes he pushed his bottle away and wouldn't take it again.

"You done eating now, yeah?" You propped him up onto your shoulder to burp him. After he ate, you got sick of being in the house all day, so you got him dressed so you could take him out. It was hell trying to buckle him in his car seat, but all you were worried about was leaving.
You just ended up taking him to Louis's job to visit him since he had lunch around this time. You drove your tail to studio 7 downtown and it was surprisingly easy to get in. Louis must tell like...everyone within the earth's population about you because they already knew you but you didn't know them. After you got in, someone from Valet parking came to park your car for you. You just carried Dorian with you while his big wandering eyes looked around the place.

"Your Dad is in here Dorian..." He squeals at the mention of his father and you try to quiet him down. You quietly push the door open to see your husband sitting down talking to his bandmates. Dorian had the biggest smile on his face when he saw his father, he squealed and moved around on your arm wanting to get to him. The guys turned around and saw the baby and smiled.

"Hey buddy, Mummy didn't tell me you wanted to see me today!" Louis smiled coming to take him. He gave you a hug and walked you over to his friends.

"Oh my gosh, is that Dorian?" Harry asked looking at Louis' twin.

"Yes it is, he's officially 5 months old." Louis said proud of what he created.

"Hey [Y/N], how have you been? You look great!" Harry said hugging you.

"Aww thanks I've been good. I've been working out lately so that's kind of what I was hoping for." You laughed.

Harry looked at the baby and smiled. "Hey Dorian, are you gonna be shy today? Can I see you?" He chuckled holding out his hands. Dorian held his arm out to Harry which came as a huge surprise because he normally doesn't like to be held by anyone that's not You or Louis.

"He's probably not a meanie today because he just woke up from his nap." You say. "And he got to eat."

"He's actually been like that for a few days." Louis adds.

"You mean not shy?"

"No he's just been happy to see everybody." Louis informed you.

"That's weird, he was grouchy with me today and he loves his Mommy! Right Dorian?" The baby just gave you a blank stare. The guys laugh and you laugh with them.

"He sees me everyday, he's probably sick of seeing me all the time." You chuckled.

"That much is probably true." Louis laughed agreeing with you. "I have an offer for you [Y/N],"

"I'm listening..."

"How about you leave little man with us and you treat yourself to some free time and do something...[Y/N] like?" He says. You were kind of tired of being in the house all the time and the no longer existing sleep...

"I don't know Louis, I love my baby boy...Also someone will have to watch him while you're doing recordings." you say rubbing your chin.

"He'll just hang out with me." Louis smiled at his son reaching out for him. You were really attached to Dorian, and it would probably be hard for you to leave him alone. But you thought it over and Louis doesn't really spend enough time with him. Also it would be less tears for the baby if you left him here.

"Ok fine...BUT..."

"But what?" Louis asked.

"My Baby better come home in one piece, you know I'm a hurt you if something happens to him..." You warn Louis as he shoved you out the door.

"Dorian tell Mummy we'll be fine," he chuckled. The baby laughed and looked at you and you couldn't help but smile.

"I'll be back with his car seat and his diaper bag."

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