#93: Co-Workers (Harry)

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All the skinny white women at the office building went crazy over your co worker Harry. You sat across from him in your cubicle every single day and on your lunch break the girls always bombarded you with questions about him. The only reason you hung out with them was basically just because you had no friends at your job. You've only been working there for about 2 years and everyone else has worked there longer than you, and everyone knew everyone in that building except for you. So it was real cliquish in that whole building, from the 1st to the 15th floor.

"So [Y/N], how was Harry today?" Lisa giggled wiggling her eyebrows.

"He was fine I guess. He doesn't really talk a whole lot, but he's always looking at me from across the desk." You say.

"Oooo, he must like you!!!" All the girls were squealing like a bunch of middle schoolers.

'You've got to be kidding me' you thought to yourself. They were literally weak at the knees for him and it was ridiculous. All they talked about at lunch was him. Not to mention Lisa's ass was married, and you could definitely tell her husband wasn't doing enough in the bed for her and it almost made you laugh.

"I wish I had a view of Harry like that, the things I would wear for him..." Teresa chuckled, grazing her tongue over her top teeth.

"Oh Teresa please, Harry wants a woman with curves." Janice said referring to herself. She was always so prideful, and it irked you. The funny part is that she wasn't even curvy

They were all so desperate and it was disgusting. You excused yourself and made up an excuse that you had work to be doing so you took your lunch back to your desk and saw Harry in there all alone eating a sandwich.

"Oh Um...I'm sorry, do you mind if I sit in here?" He looked at you all crooked and smiled.

"[Y/N], we share this cubicle. Of course you can sit here." He chuckled.

You gently smile and join him taking out a bowl of your Ziti. He looks up from his computer and says "That smells amazing, what is it?"

"Oh it's um...baked Ziti. You want some? I'm not gonna finish the whole container." You say.

"Oh no [Y/N], it's fine. I couldn't..." you took his sandwich container from across the table and put almost more than half of the ziti in it for him.

"I have a whole pan at home. I'll bring you some more tomorrow." You smile.

"Aww thank you, your so sweet." He smiled. "You know the ladies you hang out with?"

"Lisa, Janice, and Teresa?"

"Yep. All three of them are bad news. They're head over heels for literally every guy in the building. Me? Never associate with them." He says with a disgusted look on his face. The way his forehead scrunched up made you laugh. "They've been trying to get with me for years but the stuff they do...not at all the least bit attractive to me."

"Also, I hear them saying some
Mean things about you to the other women in the office. Most of it consists of you keeping me to yourself or whatever, and they've spread some nasty tumors about you as well." He informs you.

"Oh really?" You say laughing.

"Oh yeah...the worse one was spread when you first got here. They always talked about your pencil skirt and blazer outfits, and said you dressed like that because you used to be a porn star or something."

"Wooooow. That is so childish. What are they? High school freshman?" You say making him laugh.

"Me personally, I think your outfits are cute. Very professional." He said giving you a thumbs up while winking.

"You really think so?" You smiled. He nodded taking another bite from the pasta.

"This is really good [Y/N], I don't know what you did to it, but it's amazing." He says taking another bite.

"Thanks Harry. You know how to make a cook feel good." You laugh as he literally sits and hums in appreciation at eating your dish.

"You know [Y/N], I've had my eye on you for a while and just from our small talk some days, I can tell that you're a genuine person. You're always so kind, and you never bother anyone, or try to pick fights, and I like that about you. Most of all you're gorgeous, inside and out." His tangent of compliments kept on coming and it made you happy.

"Thanks Harry. That's really nice of you to say." You say almost in tears. No one had ever said such nice things about you, and meant it.

"So I just wanna ask, would you maybe...like to come out to dinner with me?" You froze in the middle of chewing not sure of what to say to him. Yeah you thought he was kind of cute, but you didn't know him well. You could tell he was a bit shy about asking you and you thought it over for a moment and thought maybe dinner could help you get to know him.

"It's a date." You smiled getting all warm and fuzzy on the inside. You guys exchanged numbers and decided on Friday night at 7.

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