#47: The Guys babysit

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"...and make sure Kiara gets her bath by 8, and is in bed by 830. We'll probably get back around 9." Louis explains to Harry.

"Louis, I know what to do, Kiara and I will be fine. Go enjoy your date!!!" He laughed.

"Alright, fine." Louis sighs looking at his 4 year old daughter. "Ok Kiara, Mommy and daddy are going out for a bit..."

"Like when me and you hang out daddy?" She asks.

"Yep, just like that. So while me and Mommy hang out, Uncle Harry is gonna stay here and hang out with you!!! Can you be a good girl?" She looks up at her dad and nods.

"Good, we'll see you later. Say bye to Mommy!" He chuckles. She goes and hugs you hugging Louis also. The two of you leave and Kiara just stares at Harry for a minute.

"Hey Kay," he smiles at the girl crouching next to her.

"Hi..." She whispers shyly.

"So what do you wanna do kiddo? Do you wanna color? Or play dolls? Or make a snack? Or..."

"I-I like colorin." She smiles. "Can we color a picture?" She asks.

"Of course we can."

"Come, I show you my colorin book collection!" She pulls Harry up the steps showing him her top favorites. Once she picked out one for them to color in they took it in the living room and colored until it was time for him to heat up her dinner.

"What did m-my Mama make?" She asked.

"Tonight you got spaghetti and meatballs!" He gasps getting her excited.

"That's my favorite thing Mama makes for me!" She giggles watching him put the plate in the microwave. After she eats he gets her a bath, and gets her in her pajamas so she can be ready for bed soon. She had about a half hour left so Harry was a bit ahead of schedule.

"Uncle Harry, can we color one more picture before bed?" She asks giving her book to him. She gave him her sad face and he just couldn't say no to her.

She opened up to a page with a tiger on it and gave him an orange crayon.

"You can make the tiger pretty, and I'll make the grass pretty." She smiled starting to gently color inside the lines. The two of them finished the picture in about 10 minutes. She yawned and rubbed her brown eyes with her sleeves.

"You getting sleepy Kay?" He asks and she nods. Harry picked her up and took her upstairs, putting her in bed.

"Alright, good night Kiara, Your Mom and dad will be home when you wake up!" He smiles starting to close the door. Kiara starts to pout and sits up causing Harry not to leave yet.

"Wait Uncle Harry, c-can you read me a book?" She asks.

"I sure can read you a book." He smiles.

"My daddy always read me this book!" She says pulling out the 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.

"Can I sit on your lap?" She asks before he starts. Harry smiles at her and nods. She sits down taking her baby blanket with her clutching it to her chest. She looks at the pictures in the pages and occasionally giggled when Harry read something funny on the page. Before he knew it she was rocked out sleep. He put her in her covers and turned on her night light kissing her forehead and leaving the room. He sat down stairs with the tv on waiting for you and Louis to arrive at home.

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