#143: The Help (Harry)

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A/N: This pref has undergone very minimal editing. So I apologize if there are any errors.

At first you thought this job was going to be nothing but a harmless Nanny job, but looking back to months ago you didn't know how wrong you were. A few months back, you applied for a job as a full time Nanny for the styles family, but Mr. Styles quickly turned you into the maid. He literally wanted you to clean everything until his reflection could be seen in all possible shiny surfaces.

You were quite miserable at this point working for the styles family, but you only had one person to blame for your misery...Mrs. Styles. Ever since you began working for the styles she hated you with a deep burning passion. You used to think she was some kind of white supremacist, but turns out she's just a huge bitch that hates all black women and people. Why? You didn't know why exactly, but she conformed Har- you meant Mr. Styles to her way of thinking. You know, the typical, black people should still be slaves, schools should he segregated, white people should have better things than black people.

Either way, it was hell for you working for that family. You felt like a prisoner in that house. The only joy you found in working for them were their two sweet little children, Mackenzie and Chandler. You treated those kids like your own, and Chandler especially knew you as only his mother seeing as he was just a baby.

You were shaken from your thoughts when you heard Harr- Mr. Styles behind you angrily breathing down your neck.

"[Y/N], why have you stopped cleaning the foyer?" He asked.

"Sir, the foyer is spotless...I just mopped in there and polished the furniture." You say trying not to cop an attitude. He yanked you by your wrist and began to go off on you for the most nitty grittiest things possible.

"You see this spot right here on the wall?" He asked sternly shoving you towards the wall.

"No sir."

"Well there's a spot that you missed. Look a little harder. And this floor is disgusting, I can barely see my own reflection in these damn tiles. It still needs to be cleaned, and The windows on the front door need to be wiped and you need to wipe down this damn banister!" He yelled in your face pointing to the 50 foot stair case. This family was very rich, they owned like a million dollar mansion and guess who has the honor of cleaning ever crook and corner of the house?...That's right, you did. The fact that both Mr. And Mrs. Styles were extremely OCD didn't help your case any further. They wanted everything to look perfect.

".... and One by one, all those wooden rods need to be polished. And don't forget to polish the stairs as well." In the middle of his lecture the baby monitor you kept on your waist went off and you sighed feeling like you never got a break.

"After the child is attended to, get back to work." He says getting close enough to your face that you could feel the heat from his hot breath.

He angrily pushed past you and you heavily and stressfully sighed. It kind of bothered you how he didn't call his own kids by their names but it wasn't your place to say that at less you wanted to stop getting paid. You trudged your tired, sore body up the steps and went down the hallway into the baby's bedroom. His cries were amplified as you came closer to his crib.

"Hey honey, are you alright?" You cooed gently picking Chandler up. The smell of urine instantly hit you and you nearly gagged, you changed him into a fresh pamper and brought him downstairs with you to get him fed. While you were preparing the bottle the boy began to fuss again and you had to stop to calm him down.

"All night, all day angels watching over me my Lord..." you began to sing. Chandler seemed to like that song. You sang it to him whenever you couldn't calm him.

"All night, all day, Angels watching over me..." your mom sang that to you as a little girl and since then, you've always remembered it by heart. As usual Chandler calmed down and rested on your shoulder, you continued to fix his food and got it to him in a reasonable amount of time.

"[Y/N]?" You heard little Mackenzie squeak behind you.

"Yes baby?"

"C-Can I have a snack?" She asked you

"Yes you can." You smiled smiled handing her a juice and an apple sauce container.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome." You smiled placing Chandler down in his rocker so you could get back to cleaning while you kept an eye on him. As soon as you left him he began to cry again and you sighed going to see what was wrong.

"I have to clean Chan, or your dad is gonna have my tail." You say rubbing his face. You kissed his little forehead as Mrs. Styles came up. She was not impressed.

"What do you think you're doing with my son?" She asked.

"Uh, My job? I am the Nanny you know." You say matter of factly giving Chandler his pacifier.

"I didn't tell Harry to hire you to become emotionally attached, [Y/N]. Your job is to feed them, bathe them, spend time with them, and put them to bed." She says.

"So basically my job is to do the parenting. Which is what I have been doing. Emotional attachment comes along with parenting you know. You should catch some of that." You say putting her on hush mode.

"Whatever, keep going and I'll make sure Harry has you sprayed with the power hose. Oh and by the way, he doesn't need this." She says ripping the pacifier from Chandler's mouth. He put on a little pout and screamed loudly making your heart clench. As soon as Lucil- Mrs. Styles left and you were sure she was gone, you took a soothie out of your apron pocket and stuck it in Chandler's mouth. You always kept a spare just for him.

"You know I got you pumpkin." You chuckled getting back to cleaning. After about an hour you finished the steps and the banister and you were certain that Mr. Styles would be pleased.

"Nice job with the stairs." Mr. Styles says making you jump.

"Oh..Thank you sir." You were actually shocked to receive a compliment from one of your bosses for once.

"Only thing is, this isn't a damn barn. If the kid is asleep he's supposed to be in his crib." Mr. Styles complains.

"He has a name you know, and his name is Chandler." You say coming to retrieve the baby.

"Whatever. Just don't leave him sitting there is my point. Anymore words out of you and I'll have you on the streets." He seethed making you hold Chandler tighter to your chest. When he was gone you let out a breath that you didn't even know you had. You dropped the baby off in his nursery and decided to pick up everyone's laundry while you were at it.

You started with the kids since they didn't go through a whole lot of laundry. You honestly weren't sure how much more of this you could take. This was no longer house work, this was straight up slavery.

"Ugh...I need to get out of this damn house." You whispered to yourself heading down the steps.

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