#96: Co-Workers (Louis)

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You and Louis put together was literally too funny. Y'all two were always messing around and cutting up when you were supposed to be getting work done, and it shocked you how neither of you have gotten fired at this point. To be real you hated that job. You were grateful that you had one in the first place, but it was just the way some people there treated you that made you hate it so much. Everyone pretty much played maid with you and it didn't take long for you to catch onto it.

"How much longer are you gonna sit there and let everybody make you do THEIR jobs [Y/N]?" Louis asked you stealing a fry from you.

"I honestly don't know, and I could care less. You and I both know that if I snap out on these people, I'm a get fired on sight." You say. You've worked with Louis for years. He's the only one who knew how you could be.

"Well if you don't say something to 'Big Bill', I'm gonna be the one to say something." You tried to refrain from laughing at the nick name your boss gave to himself.

"No Louis don't, I don't want you to get in trouble because I don't have the time and energy to open up my mouth." You sighed.

"Well then you need to go ahead and tell Bill how they treat you, and that they literally blackmail and bully you into doing their work."

"Louis you don't understand...I just can't....They have some very top secret information about me that they could spill the beans on if I tell...and I wouldn't be able to show my face here anyhow if that stuff got loose." You explain.

"[Y/N], that's exactly why I'm saying you should let me just tell Bill already." He whisper yelled taking a bite from your sandwich. "It wouldn't even have came from you, and you wouldn't have to worry about them getting on your case about it."

"Louis....everyone here knows damn well how close we are, and they would know I told you what's been going on." You say.

"Well they're just gonna have to ask before they assume, aren't they?" He says smugly.

"Hmm, you have a point. It's bad enough though that they already think I'm just a naive black woman." You scoffed. "If someone else 'catches on' faster than I do that will make me look soooo dumb."

"Well you can either explain to them that you didn't know I knew, or just not owe them any explanation at all. It's up to you, I'm just doing my job as your friend." He said biting your sandwich for the 5th time.

"Nigga, you might as well finish my lunch for me." You say shaking your head.

"Sorry...you have good taste." He chuckles squishing your cheeks together.

"Louis!" You whisper yell. "We have to keep it professional."

"Oh yeah...right, sorry [Y/N]." He smiled continuing to admire you.

"What?" You asked confused.

"Nothing. You're just amazing." He laughed smiling harder than you've ever seen him smile.

"Oh my gosh Louis stop it." You laugh leaving the cafeteria table to throw away your trash.

"Don't run away from me, come back!" He joked following you. You pressed the elevator button to take you guys up to your floor and he quickly caught up and stepped on with you.

"So are you gonna let me tell Bill, or no?" He chuckled leaning close to you.

"Ugh...if I say yes will you leave me alone?" He nods.

"Ok fine. Go ahead and tell him...You didn't hear it from me though." You say pointing your finger at him.

"Don't worry about it [Y/N], I got you." As the elevator rang he grabbed your butt and strolled out winking at you.

"Seriously Louis?!" You shouted out the elevator rolling your eyes.

"Love you too [Y/N]!!!" He yelled back. People in the hallway looked at you and you've never felt more embarrassed to be seen.

"I'm gonna get him..." You mumbled under your breath stomping to his office.


After you clocked out, you were out in the cold waiting for the uber driver to come get you. You started to think he'd forgotten, considering you can been standing there for a half hour.

"[Y/N], why are you standing out here like this? It's cold." Louis asked you as he walked out and saw you.

"Louis, my car is in the shop. I gotta was for a uber driver." You tell him still annoyed at him from earlier's incident.

"I don't wanna leave knowing you're just in the cold like this, let me drive you home..."

"No, bye." You say turning your head. He heavily sighed and you continued to ignore him.

"[Y/N], I'm not leaving the building until you come on. So keep in mind I'm just gonna stand here and be cold with you." He smiled.

"Louis..." You whined crossing your arms.

"Would you rather be further embarrassed or come get in my car?" He asked simply.

"Fine, I'll let you give me a ride." You giggled following him to his black Rover.

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