#95: Co-Workers (Liam)

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"Pssst! [Y/N]!" Some guy whispered into the hallway as you stood there reading a report. You were the editor of your publishing building, and the biggest part of your job was to do a revision of the work people did.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Hi [Y/N] how are you? I'm Liam." He held a hand out for you to shake and you gladly shook it. "I know your the building editor and I see you almost all the time, and I really need your help..." He looked around to make sure no one was listening and you started giggling. "Just come to my office in 5." He whispered speed walking back in the direction he came from.

You stood there for a moment cracking up at him. He was one of those people who were funny and didn't even know they were funny. He was seriously the funniest person you met in the office, No lie.

You met him at his office, and walked in closing the door behind you.

"Hey [Y/N], have a seat! I'm so glad I ran into you on this floor...shoot it's just an honor having you in my office. Everyone says your the best in the business and it really means a lot to be able to ask you for a favor..." He said being very sincere. How appreciative he was made your heart smile.

"It's no biggie." You laughed sipping your latte. "Now tell me what I can do for you."

"Ok, so I have a really important page to do that is going to be part of the New York Times paper, and I just need you to read it over and...you know, help me kind of tweak it around. Do you think you can help?"

"Of course I can. Move." You laughed gently swatting him away from the laptop.

"Thanks a lot [Y/N], I hope I'm not asking a lot of you." He says.

"Liam, I'm the building editor...it's my job." You laughed continuing to skim over the paper.

"So far, so good Liam. All I would suggest doing is changing the name of your headline." You say. "Other than that you're good."

"Thanks a lot [Y/N], I needed the professional criticism." He smiled.

"No problem. Just doing my job. Here's my desk number and email of you need anything else." You say politely leaving his office. You were done for the day anyway, so you went outside to your. Silver 2015 Jeep Wrangler and drove yourself home to prepare for the next day.

The next morning you pulled up in your space and got out only to somehow have things from your purse fall all over the ground.

"Ugh, Seriously?!" You yelled aloud not really talking to anyone specific. You quickly got down and gathered up your stuff making sure you grabbed every last thing and sure enough you did.

You grabbed your hot coffee from the cup holder and locked up your car. You turned around a bit too fast, and bumped into someone with it and you instantly got embarrassed not wanting to look up.

"Oh my gosh I-I-I'm soooo s-sorry sir, I-I didn't mean to...please don't get me fired!" You say.

"[Y/N]?" You looked up and saw that guy from yesterday who's paper you edited.

"Oh it's you...look, I'm really sorry, I'll pay for your dry cleaning and everything!!! Just please don't get me fired!" You say sounding a bit tensed.

"[Y/N], it's fine really. It's just a blazer...you don't have to pay for anything, I'll be fine as long as I take it off." He smiled at you.

You got fired from your last editing job for doing the same exact thing to your boss. You were just thankful he wasn't mad, and that he was able to laugh about it. He took off the suit blazer and you looked at his toned body. His pecs were huge and you were entranced by it. He wasn't a bad looking man either.

"Oh um...How rude of me for staring, please forgive me." You say. "Your names Liam right?"

"Yeah. And it's fine [Y/N] don't stress it."

"So how much do you need for dry cleaning?" You asked pulling out your wallet.

"How about this.... I'll pay for my own dry cleaning, and you can just do me a favor and go out to dinner with me?" He asks chuckling.

"Oh I couldn't. I'd get fired for sure if anyone found out." You laughed.

"I doubt they'd fire the best editor in all of New York [Y/N], just go out with me. Please," He smiled holding your hand. You looked from his hand to his face and thickly swallowed unsure of what to say.

"I'm flattered Liam, but I'm also sure you can do better than me." You giggled blushing.

"[Y/N], come on, adults try new things." He laughed.

"Fine I'll go I guess." You say trying to hide your smile.

"Oh yeah and there's no way I could do 'better' than you. You're the best there is. And between you and me..." He paused coming down to whisper in your ear.

"I prefer my women with color." He slapped your behind making you laugh.

"Saturday night, My place at 6pm." He says blowing you a kiss. "I'll give you further details later."

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