chapter 16

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Jimin layed down quietly as he let taehyung cry on his shoulders, the spirit was starting to wonder if taehyung and yoongi weren't ment to be at all.  Deciding to try and cheer taehyung up, Jimin patted the youngers butt to get his attention

"tae. I'm sorry that all this happened,  I want to show you something. It's the reason why I didn't go with you "

Jimin said, getting up to stand in front of a wild looking taehyung.  Taehyung eyes widened as he saw the all the little sparkles around the spirits body disappear, not understanding how jimin was still here without him feeling his aura.

"toda " Jimin said as he wiggled his arms.  "I made myself solid, I can do normal human things now........ But only for 10 hours " jimin smiled before quickly running to the kitchen and back with taehyung's favorite flowers and cake

"I wish I didn't love Yoongi so much, your the type of boyfriend that I always wanted to have " Taehyung cried silently as he sat down the flowers and cake.

"well" jimin started, sitting down in front of taehyung and softly grabbing his cheek " if I'm the type of guy you always dreamt about having......... Then let me make it come true. Even if it will only be for 10 hours because, it's only gonna get harder down the road to get Yoongi back"

With a shy smile Taehyung nodded, before closing his eyes as jimin started to lean forward, kissing taehyung with so much love and care. Slowly laying the younger down to climb over him

" I haven't topped in awhile, so forgive me for being to wild" jimin said with a smirk before undressing the male under him.

"shit, everything hurts so badly" Taehyung whinned. Jimin was really wild, the older kept fucking taehyung in so many different positions for the past 6 hours, making taehyung cum and scream his name multiple times.

"sorry babe" jimin giggled as he carried taehyung out of the bathroom. He helped taehyung get dressed as well before they left to the kitchen, running into jin and Jackson

"taehyung. We found your pregnancy stuff outside the apartment, you should be more worried about your things instead of trying to get laid with a ghost who's yoongi's ex"

"FUCK YOU JIN!!  You don't know shit about what happened....... And your the one to talk. Jinyoung broke up with you because you got trained on by the entire theater department. And now your with Jackson, jinyoung's BEST FRIEND. "

Taehyung yelled with tears before running to his room. Jimin and Jackson glared at an angry jin before Jackson just shook his head in disappointment

"hyung.... You really need to learn how to keep that mouth shut. Yoongi hyung called taehyung a bunch of names because you and Jackson can't stay out of people's business "

Jimin stormed off to get taehyung. Taking the upset male out to enjoy his last remaining hours of being solid

"come on taetae stop moping around listen to what I have to say.... it's been hours since the whole thing with suga and jin. I have something really important to share with you" jimin whined, still trying to get the younger male to pay attention to him as their date ended and jimin was full on spirit mode again

"alright alright.. What is it jiminnie " taehyung said with a exasperated sigh, sad that everything with Jimin has ended. Now he has to focus on getting Yoongi back........ Kinda

"I figured out how to get you and hyung back together !" jimin says with fake excitement, still successful catching the attention of the other.

" the reason why Yoongi hyung was acting like that was because he was jealous and being possessive..... so I created a 4-step plan while you was moping around about not getting the entire Pokemon stuff animal collection..........................

Step 1, is to make him jealous every chance you get..especially at school. you've got to make him jealous 'til the point of where he snaps and drags you off somewhere
Step 2, is to continuously press his buttons 'til he breaks and confess his true feelings for you which leads to
step three, turn him down once he finally confesses.... Then "

" wait jimin... Why would I turn him down when he confessed how he truly feels about me? " taehyung interrupted.

"thats because he hurt you.... Badly and you need to show him that you are not weak.... That he cannot walk all over you..... That you will not forgive him that easily " Jimin explained smiling happily when Taehyung nods in agreement.

"now as I was saying.... The final step... Step 4, is to make him prove to you that he truly loves you.... Set that as one of your conditions of getting back together, and when it seems like he has gave up... Forgive him and get back together with him" jimin finished explaining his plan with a little too much of bravado

"do you really think that it will work? " taehyung asked shyly. All though he was very skeptical that his plan would work....almost all of Jimin's Plans have worked out so far, so what's so different now?

"trust me Taetae.... Yoongi hyung won't know what hit him by the time I'm through with you " jimin says with a wicked smile.

"I think I have a pretty good idea. My ass still hurts"  taehyung pouts making jimin laugh

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