chapter 5

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No one point of view

"back off, he's mine "

Yoongi said to the stranger while jimin looked at him in bewilderment. After the stranger left, jimin turned around to face Yoongi. Yoongi giving the younger and taller one in front of him a smirk after jimin had asked

"why did you just scare away the person who was going to fuck me?"

"because Tae,(licks lips, pulls Tae closer) I'm the only one who will be fucking your tight little ass tonight" yoongi says while growling in taehyung's ear and grabbing his ass.

Jimin bit his lips as well before saying seductively in Tae's deep voice

"unless you tell me your real name, I won't be so vocal when you do fuck my tight little hole in your bed"

"fuck tae you so dirty aren't you baby.... Yoongi, min yoongi.....but you can call me daddy tonight baby boy "

Yoongi says before grabbing Tae's wrist and dragging to leave the club.

"wow someone's really desperate, and when did he start having a daddy kink " jimin thought as he came up to yoongi's car.

"Jimin... What's going on where are we going? "

"Great perfect timing"  jimin thought. He knew he had to tell Tae this part of the plan because he feared that yoongi would back out when he kissed him. You see jimin has a very unique kissing style, and he knows that as soon as he kisses yoongi as taehyung...... Everything will immediately go south.

"Umm....well..... I found yoongi!...... he's attracted to you and um we are going to hangout at his place. "

"Uh-huh .......are you sure you're or we're just hanging out? "

"Well there might be some........ Sexual activity as well"

"WHAT THE FUCK JIMIN!....... You ain't using my body for that"

"It will only be just this once Tae, unless you want it to happen again... But anyways it's not like I will be using you......i.... Kinda need you to participate in this too"

"I'm getting a headache....... What the hell do you mean? "

"Well..... um......I need you to be the one who's present for all the kisses and the for some of the... um fucking you can say for I won't,  we won't get caught. "

"Your unbelievable "

"Come on Tae please!... If you don't do it Yoongi will recognize or find you way to similar to me and will stay away from you! If that happens then I can't move on!........and besides you already agreed to doing and following everything I say. "

"When did I agree to that!!!  I don't even remember you....................... DAMN IT PARK JIMIN!!!................... I hate you"

"Trust me Tae. By doing this you will be able to spot out guys like jungkook who only was with you to take your virginity...... And besides, yoongi hyung is the most trustworthy person to lose it to. "

"..........ugh fine"

"Yes!!! Tae you are really the best friend I've ever had "

"Yeah yeah so how will this work? "

"Well you know how you can see and hear everything I do in your body. It's like I'm the driver and your the passenger. Well when we get close I will switch us, switch our subconscious so where I'm the passenger and your the driver. That way I don't have to keep possessing you. "

"You can do that!!??  I can have control of my own body the entire time while being possessed? "

"Yeah..... I learn it from Taemin my ghost friend. Cool right"

"Hell yeah that's "

"hey Tae are you OK?  You've been silent this entire time "

"yeah.... Hehehe.... Sorry.... I spaced out"

"OK Tae I'm going to switch us now.... Try getting to know Yoongi better so you will feel more comfortable with what's about to happen "

"Wait..... Jimin don't switch us yet I'm not ready ....and you just switched us"

"how about we talk a little sense you seem nervous "

"Jimin Im going to hurt you " taehyung thought before taking a breath to answer yoongi

"ummm..... O-OK, well I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm 21 and Umm I'm a music and fashion design student at Jyp university."

"oh so that's how you know jin hyung, but if you a music major like me then how come I never see you around?"

"I don't know, maybe you just never payed any attention to me..... My looks aren't that great. "

Yoongi quickly glanced at Taehyung with disbelief "yeah, whatever you say 23 by the way so I guess you can call me hyung.... That is until we get into the bedroom "

Yoongi says while putting his right hand on taehyung's upper thigh, squeezing it a little causing the younger to yelp a little.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you"  yoongi thought, chuckling when he caught a glimpse of taehyung's reaction.

" wo-wont leave m-me right?

.........jimin?........ Jimin you son of a bitch say something! "

"Just be prepared Tae, because hyungs Dick is huge"

"WHAT!!...... "

"Yeah feel it. Put your hand in his lap and feel for yourself "

And that's exactly what taehyung did, he put his left hand on top of yoongi's crotch, palming him slightly and gluped when he felt the length of the older males half erected member.

Tae was about to back out of this, back out of everything..... That was until Yoongi slightly moaned his name, causing his member to twitch in his pants.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all

possessed to love you Taegi fanficWhere stories live. Discover now