chapter 3

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Jimin- bold

Taehyung -italics

Yoongi- bold italics


"hey tae what's " Jackson tried to greet his roommate but was cut off by the younger slamming his room door.

"bros before hoes bros before hoes bros before hoes" Jackson chanted in his head as he pushed Yixing out from his side before going to check up on Taehyung.

"knock knock" Jackson said before opening the door. The sight that greeted him was very heartbreaking. Taehyung was hidden completely under the covers and loud sniffling could be heard. With a soft sigh, Jackson closed back the door and put on a fake charming smile as he made his way back to lay

"Yixing~" Jackson called cutely making the older giggle lightly. Jackson sat down next to the older and grabbed both of his, but before he could say anything lay interrupted him

"let me guess.... Mr Wild and Sexy needs to be Mr supportive Best Friend"

Jackson nodded with a pout, pulling a laugh from the older

"it's okay, I should leave anyway " lay said as he stood up, Jackson walking him to the door

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise about the end of the night........ But, if your willing...... We could skip Chinese history and I can keep my promise of making you cum more than you had every before " Jackson whispered the last part as he wraps his arms around lay and brought him closer

"I honestly thought you were kidding about that " lay said with a coughing laugh before pushing himself away from Jackson's body  "Jackson, the only reason why I came was because you said that you had halo. I have a boyfriend and I don't think Yifan would be happy with this"

Lay said in slight panic before leaving quickly

"Rude" Jackson yelled before closing the door and heading to the kitchen, grabbing a tube of ice cream, whipped cream, and fudge sauce with two spoons as he made he was back to taehyungs room

"taetae. I have ice cream to cure our sadness" Jackson pouted as he sat everything down on the king sized bed before climbing into it himself. It wasn't long before Taehyung removed himself from under the covers to reveal his red face and puff lips and to hug his best friend

"Jungkook.......he........... He" Jackson just shushed the younger, not wanting him to start crying again

"it's okay, I kinda figured...... Just...... Tell me the whole story when your able.......... And when your little ghost friend isn't here.  He may be hot, but I don't think we can have a Jacktae moment with Casper hovering like that"

Jimin glared at Jackson as taehyung giggled.

"keep talking and tomorrow you will see your penis floating "

"floating straight to that ass" Jackson joked, making taehyung choke on his ice cream


"Come on Tae, it's been three months since the whole jungkook thing. Stop moping around already, you and I both know that it's time to move on already.

I mean take jin hyung for example, he broke up with jinyoung just two months ago and he's already going out tonight. Let's do the same."


"Yay, OMG we will have so much fun."

"jimin........ I'm saying OK to you possessing me to help your not going out "

SERIOUSLY!!! OMG thank you soooo much taetae........

"But I, you need to go out tonight in order for my plans to work."

"........then possess me.... Im not in the mood for any of this"

"......ok...... But only if you promise to go along with everything I do and say.......even if it involves your body"

*not paying attention *"sure sure whatever jimin...... Just do it already "

"OK just remember that you agreed, and you can't take it back. "

After possessing Taehyung,  jimin immediately gets dressed for the club. Already knowing that club TBQ was the place Yoongi goes all time for hookups.

Knowing what attracts his ex boyfriend, jimin dressed Tae in black skinny jeans that hugs his waist and ass, with a white V-neck and a choker. With his red hair parted down the middle to show his forehead and eyes, as he puts on just a little bit of eyeliner and lipbalm to make his full pink lips more kissable, heading off to the club to finally start phase 3 of his plan.

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