chapter 22

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Yoongi has been crying for a few hours now. The two songs hold me tight and love is not over made him felt like his he was drowning, it made him wonder why he keeps on hurting Taehyung more times in the month and a half of their relationship than in the two years he had with jimin.

"Yoongi come out,it's time to go baby shopping" he heard his mom yell out

Yoongi ripped the two songs out of the notebook​and folded them to fit in his pocket before heading out tae's room, looking confused as fuck when he sees his mom talking to the empty space next to Taehyung

" Everything is there at the house already so when you get there with him and Jackson the only thing you have to do is wait until we get done. And since I know that you can't carry anything since your a ghost I expect you to keep those two in check Jimin"

" Mrs. Min.......I mean mom. Jin hyung and Jackson hyung are very responsible people so I don't think it's necessary for Jimin to watch them" Taehyung says nervously

" I know his type" Mrs. Min says while pointing at Jackson " he will somehow manage to get his boyfriend to have sex with him and I want you and my son to be the first one's to fuck in that house not them"

Jimin was dying on the floor while Jin looked like he was ready to bust

Yoongi sensing this gabbed his mom and Taehyung before dragging them out

" Fuck being respectful. That woman is a bitch" Jin says before stomping away

The four was now at a restaurant that was down the street from the 25th baby store that they visited, Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Min were sitting next to each other while Yoongi and Taehyung sat next to each other across from the two mother's

"You ok?" Yoongi whispered as he rubbed the youngers back in a smoothing action

"Yeah Suga hyung....I'm just tired. We've been shopping for 6 hours straight and my feet hurt" Taehyung whined with a pout

But before Yoongi could respond. Taehyung suddenly gets up before replying with " I gotta pee" before speed walking off

"So cute" Yoongi mutters before looking at the two women who are looking straight at him, a smirk playing on both of their lips

" What ?"

"Nothing son" Mrs. Min says before going back to look at the menu.

" After your marriage and the merger of our two companies, you will take over completely instead of Taehyung" Mrs. Min says with a quick glance up before looking back down

" But mom, we have an agreement that I won't take over the company until I graduate. I still have one year left"

" Oh, it's Kai" Mrs. Kim says cutting off yoongi's mother response

Yoongi looked over towards where tae's mom is looking. A good looking guy was making his way towards the bathroom

"so that's kai"  Yoongi thinks as he remembers what Hoseok had told him once when he and Taehyung first started dating


"Since you are tae's boyfriend now, I think it's time to tell you why he has self esteem issues.

His first love was Kai. Everyone thought that the two was going to be together for a very long time......well.that was until he moved to the states to take care of his sick mother

He was Soo devastated after that. He became depressed and antisocial for the longest. Until he met Mark. A tall quiet, and handsome basketball player

Everything was going good until tae's mother found out that the male was only dating her son to take his virginity and to expose him as a crazy psychopath who believed that he could talk and see the dead

Mrs. Kim hired gangsters and they beat Mark to a pulp.

Last that I know of is Jungkook he is the one before you. He believed in what Taehyung could do and supported him in every way, even stood up for him against the entire department.

Taehyung fell for him as deeply as he fell for Kai if not more. And he became the first guy that Taehyung actually wanted to give his virginity to.

But Jimin exposed him. Jungkook had been cheating on him for half a year, and belittled him in front of his side hoe bambam

Your the only guy that Taehyung willing gave himself completely to after a short spans of don't hurt him Yoongi"

End of flashback

Yoongi got went towards the bathroom to see what was taking so long. It surprised him when he saw Taehyung and Kai holding each other while they silently cried, and he got angrier by the second as he saw the males hand go lower every passing second

"What the fuck is going on?"

The two hugging males jumped away when the heard the new voice

"Hyung" Taehyung replies as Yoongi takes big steps towards him before pulling him into a deep kiss

" Why was in here for so long. I thought something happened to you and our baby" Yoongi says after breaking the kiss. Emphasizing our and baby to let the ex know that Taehyung is his

" congrats Taehyung-ssi. I must be going now" Kai says awkwardly before rushing out the bathroom

"Why did you do that Suga hyung?" Tae says with a pout
Before blushing as the latter places a gentle kiss on his lips

"Because, I love you. And you and that baby inside of you belong to me" Yoongi says before gathering the pregnant male in his arms

"Kim Taehyung​. I'm sorry for everything I did and said....I didn't mean any of that. I love you with all my heart and soul" Yoongi says as he breaks the hug and wipes the tears off the tae's face before getting down on one knee

" Even though I should have brought this instead of our parents, please except this ring....... please marry me "

Taehyung sobbed hardly before choking out

"Of course hyung......And it's not like I have the choice to reject you"

Yoongi puts the ring on Taehyung before standing and hugging the male again

"I love you Kim Taehyung"

"I love you too Min Yoongi"

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