chapter 21

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Both Yoongi and taehyung stood there in shock before Yoongi had the courage to speak up against his mom

" what the fuck mom! I'm not marrying taehyung-ah " he yelled causing taehyung to flinch and cower away

" oh so you think that you can just stick your nasty Dick up His ass and get the boy pregnant without getting married!? " Mrs Min says sarcastically making everyone cringe at the woman's straight forwardness

" not on my watch min yoongi! You are going to marry taehyung, move into the house that Mrs Kim and I brought together, raise Your baby Together, and live happily ever fucking after! "

Yoongi put his head down as everyone started at the mother in shock

" now" she says while fixing herself "if you would excuse us... Mrs Kim and I got a wedding to plan

Taehyung sweetie, I'll be back to take you and my dumbass fuckboy of a son to go baby shopping " Mrs min says before walking towards the door with the kims

"son" Mr. Min calls before stepping out "learn to keep it in your pants " and with that all the parents leave

"wow...... Why didn't I just go to Mrs Min earlier...... She could've easily set you and taehyung up better than I did" taehyung says which made Yoongi look at him sideways

" oh God, jimin why are you still possessing Taehyung. That must not be good for the baby "

"jiminnie " yoongi called out, interrupting his sassy comeback for jin

" yeah yoonpie it's me"

Yoongi chuckles with tears in his eyes " you know how much I hate that nickname "

"come hyung, we need to have a serious talk" jimin say before he headed off to taehyung's room

The two male sat down on the bed. Yoongi pulling Jimin in for a hug but frowns since its not the same. Taehyung's frame is taller than jimin's, and it makes him realize that his jimin is actually gone

"hyung, why are you acting like this " jimin questions as he pulled away

"acting like what jimin" yoongi responds with a sigh

"acting like you don't love taehyung when I know you do. And don't deny it, I say you when you finally changed your screen saver from us to you and taehyung "

Yoongi looks down and clenches his fist before bursting

" it's because of you jimin! You seduced me by using taehyung's body and kept me by making taehyung a constant reminder of you!

I don't love taehyung. I loved the fact that he reminds me of you "

"hyung, ever since you met Tae I only possessed his body three times when he was with you..... The night club..... The hallway where you punched Minho in the face......and the very very beginning of taehyung's first time

I was only there to take taetae's pain away after that it was all him. You fell in love with taehyung himself, not because you seen my personality in him. By lying like this....

You are hurting everyone; yourself, taehyung, your baby...... Me...... I can't move on until you fully let go hyung.

So let go

Let ME go"

After jimin's long speech, Yoongi broke down crying know that jimin's words are true. Jimin handed yoongi taehyung's lyric book

"read it hyung.... Once you do you will realize what I know all along

That taehyung can make you happier than I ever could "

possessed to love you Taegi fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin