chapter 9

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This chapter is about jimin and yoongi. Before either one of them met taehyung.


Yoongi-bold italics


Jimin was starting to give up. He had possessed 4 other people and yoongi rejected them all. What's even worse he played with three of them, only using them for sex.

Jimin still remembers when he first met yoongi, he was 15 at the time and his hyung was 17. After meeting him and his friends, jimin followed yoongi around all the time. He would cling to the elder all the time, ignoring his complaining and rude comments just to feel the touch of him.

Eventually yoongi accepted all the skin ship the younger boy did, since he knew that he wouldn't stop anyways nor did he wanted him to.


Jimin walks in to the main office at the highschool to grab his schedule. After getting it from the secretary, he went to the principal office to say hi seeing as the principal was his cousin.

" min yoongi, you know the drill...... For saving yet another student from a bully, we give you this award, and for the sake of the entire school and the student body..... We hope you continue to help those who are in need..........But seeing as you are the best fighter in the entire school and you never seem to have not a single scratch after every fight, you must stay after school and clean every window in your classroom............ This, is also your punishment for starting a fight and leaving everyone with at least a broken bone " principal park said with a tired sigh.

"Wow...never a scratch Huh..... Pretty impressive." Jimin thought to himself. The door to the principal office swung open and out came a group of 5 guys all holding a limb with a busted lip, black eye, swollen cheeks, there were at least three holding their bloody nose. If you didn't know any better you would think they all got into a really bad car accident.

And right behind them came a pale guy with black hair. He had a smirk on his face while holding a towel? On his knuckles.

"Min Yoongi..." Jimin whispered to himself. Yoongi stopped and turned to look at the boy that was starring at him. He could of sworn he heard the kid say something but decided to just settle for smirking at the kid instead of asking.

"jimin why are you just standing there? " his cousin asked him right after Yoongi walked away from him.

"zico.... I think I just found my future husband " jimin said with a flush face.


After that first "encounter" with yoongi, jimin was obsessed. And it didn't help that his friend/dance partner/sunbae was yoongi's best friend.

Hobi would always tell him stories about him, invite him to their hang overs and everything. He was literally adding fuel to the fire that was his love for the pale older male.

They didn't get together until after yoongi's graduation. It was during a game of truth or dare and chanyeol had dared him to give yoongi a lap dance...... Which led to a misunderstanding, then, sex, then to them being a couple.

But sadly there relationship lasted only a year. With jimin dying just two months before their two year anniversary. Being shot in the chest while saving some one.

//end of flashback //

Jimin released a shaky breath, it's only been almost seven months since he died and hes stuck here. He was starting to lose hope.

"hi, I'm taehyung. What's your name? "

Jimin stared at the beautiful boy beside him. He smiled in his head because he can tell, no feel, that he finally found the one.

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