The Celebration of Love {Part Three}

Start from the beginning

Before I know it, I'm singing the words to the song with her as if we're a duo of Adult Contemporary. We sing in a whisper and after singing the chorus, I beam a smile at her before I ask her, "How'd you know this song?"

"My parents had this song played at their wedding, which was in September 30, 1978." Jaelyn answers.

"How did your parents meet?" I intriguingly question.

"My Mom moved to New York City when she was just only seventeen to get herself out of Portugal because my mom's parents wanted to marry the Prince of Portugal. My Mom was a naïve teenage girl from Coimbra, Portugal and moved to a one bedroom apartment in New York City, who didn't speak English when she came to the United States. She and my Dad met in the hallways after her English speaking class ended. My Dad was like, 'How would you feel if I wanna take you out on a date tonight?' And my Mom asked Dad, 'Can you hold my gum and I'll answer that question to you?'" Jaelyn states. Hearing the story about how her parents met for the first time, her mother's quick wit makes me laugh because Jaelyn adapts some of her mother's personality traits.

"What about your parents, Danny? What were they like when they were teenagers?" Jaelyn asks me with fascination in the tone of her voice.

"My Mom used to be Miss Ohio and she and my Dad met at the diner called, the White Tower by his friends making fun of my Mom's Ohioan accent because in Ohio, some people would say, 'car warsh,' instead of, 'car wash.' And there are other sayings that my Mom used to make my Dad and his friends taunt her accent, such as; the 'a' in the words like; 'national' and 'fashion' are turned into 'nay-tional' and 'fay-shion.' On seven days a weeks, there's no 'day' in 'Sunday,' 'Monday,' 'Tuesday,' 'Wednesday,' 'Thursday,' 'Friday,' and 'Saturday.' They're replaced with; 'Sundee,' 'Mondee,' 'Tuesdee,' 'Wednesdee,' 'Thursdee,' 'Fridee,' and 'Saturdee.'" I recall the moment when my parents explain to me, Trisha, and Randall on how our parents met when I was nine, Randall was thirteen, and Trisha was seventeen.

Jaelyn begins to giggle out loud and out of nowhere, a snort comes out and about. I look at her twice, feeling shocked and surprise that my vero amore snorts. There's no problem of Jaelyn snorting while she laughs and I must shoot from the hip about the fact that her snort is indeed cute and adorable. "I use to snort when I was little along with being clumsy when I walk from the time I was four until I was fourteen years old." Jaelyn reminds.

I rest my hand over hers and intertwine our fingers, bringing her fingers to my lips, and my lips gently touch each tips of Jaelyn's fingers. Her fingers tremble and her breathing hitches, causing me to smirk.

Nine minutes later, the bus pulls over to the curb of the church and the bus driver notifies with the handheld microphone speaker, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just arrived to your destination. Please pick up your stuff that you are responsible of carrying and having. And me, along with the three other buses, will pick you up after the wedding at sixty thirty in the evening." Our bus driver opens the door and I stand up from my seat, so Jaelyn and the women can get off the bus first.

"Thank, Danny." Jaelyn forms a smile with her teeth showing to me and picks up her handbag and her phone from her lap. "You're welcome, il mio amore." I say and Jaelyn, along with the ladies, are getting off the bus. After the ladies exit the bus, the men and I follow behind the ladies and we stop at our tracks to admire at this gigantic harp shaped window of the church that is farther from the entrance door. We all walk ahead to meet face to face with this brawny muscled man dressed in a black short sleeve tuxedo shirt and black slacks, who reminds me of a buff wrestler on WWE is approximately about six foot five with various tattoos on his forearms that includes a black mamba snake and he's standing behind the mahogany wooden pulpit, looking very reserved.

Me, My Curves, and I {Interracial Romance} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now