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I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.
I knew Harry, Bianca, Thalia, and Lady Artemis would be fine without me.
I need to find my Nico.

Just as I got there I noticed the fighting had stopped. Leo and Jason ran towards me still dazed by what had happened .

"Woah what the Hades happened here?" Leo asked rubbing his head.
He looked around.
"George?" He called for his boyfriend.
Jason told me he was glad I was ok and left to find Piper.

Leo left too. A hint of panic in his eyes.

I gulped, if they are not under control that ment Amme had died already.

I searched through the crowd of hunters and wizards.

Harry's god father Sirius turned to me.
"Where's Harry?"
I pointed at the trees. "Somewhere by those trees. Have you seen Nico? The small pale kid?"

Sirius shook his head .

Remus looked at me seriously ,"I think I saw him near the edge of the quidditch pitch, he looked awful"

I thanked my God Father Remus and left to find Nico.

I couldn't see anything, but melted snow, green trees, and owls flying randomly.

"Oh lord Thanatos please" I begged,"Don't take him away"

Then I stopped .
There's In the snow was Nico grunting and moaning from pain. He clutched his sides as if they were broken. They probably are.

I ran to him wrapping him in my arms. I sobbed.

"Oh thank Hades! Nico, are you alright?" I asked ,"Let me help you up"

He shook his head,"no"

"Why?" I chocked through tears. I could see he was dying. He needs help.

"Because I just want to lie here next to person I love till my last breath is taken away. " He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I smiled and kissed him, he kissed back. Then the light of his eyes were taken away from him.
And he too was gone.

I couldn't believe he was gone. I kissed his forehead and pulled him closer.

I muttered nononono over and over again till my througth was dry.

The tears were cold on my face.

I stayed like this for a while. Unable to move. Unable to go away. Like the world paused for a few seconds.

I got up suddenly and picked up his body ,and walked silently back to the battle field. The battle of Ammes defeat ,we will call it.

I saw Harry emerge with Draco in his arms. A guess we both lost the man of our hearts today.

Bianca saw me and nico, and screamed .

We shed tears together. But I knew a way to get Nico back. And a way to get Draco back.

I looked at Harry. His Green Eyes filled with agony.

"To the Underworld we'll go. " I whispered as I placed a hand on my brothers shoulder. He looked up and gave a confusing stare.
"The Underworld is where we will go to save them. Its the only chance we'll get to getting our guys back. Are you in?"

He nodded instantly "I got nothing to loose. "

~Time Skip brought to you by my nonexistence balls~~

A few weeks have passed everything has returned to normal. We had a funeral two days ago, and the Hunters leave today.

Today was the day we left to the Underworl, I was blessed when Hecate gave up magical pearls. 

Harry and I squished them and stood in front of Hades's castle.

I threw a peice of meat at Cerebus whom ated if delightfully.

"Persephone! Hades!" I called out.

Instantly the king and queen were present. Hades looked the same, black hair, black eyes,pail skin. Persephone did as well, dark eyes, dark soil hair and dark colored skin. Both looked calm and collected, as if they expected us to come

"Ah dear nefew, what a plesent surprised. What brings you here?"

I gulped ,"We want your son Nico di Angelo to return, same with Draco Malfoy, Persephones son"

Persephone looked entriged.

"The rules of the underworld state that no dead soul will return, they belong here with us" Hades stated.

"Wait," Harry said, "There here? In the palace?"

Persephone nodded,"In my garden, come I will allow you to speak with them, its the least i can do for you two for stopping Gaia, Kronos,and Voldemort for arising once more. Come."

The three of us followed her to her black garden.

There stood the love of our lives.

Draco and Nico were planting moon flowers and pumpinks. Both looked content, but a but sad.
Then they saw us.

Nico's eyes shinned bright. He ran to me and huggeed me tightly.
I smiled and hugged back.
I could Draco and Harry were having the same reunion.

I also saw Persephone argue with her husband. I couldn't make out the worlds, but I felt confident .

"I love you." I whispered into Nico ear.

He looked up and kissed my lips,"I love you too"

A cough was heard and we all turned .

Hades coughed again and spoke in a god like voice, "My wife and I have decided to let you all leave in peace. As long as you do not utter a word of what happens here today."

We all nodded.

Hades sighed,"Alright, goodbye my son"

Nico whispered goodbye to him.

Peresphone hugged Draco. "Goodbye my flower, take care of him, Harry"

Draco blushed but embraced her.
Harry chuckled and said ,"Yes Madam"

"Safe travels" Hades spoke and we were all teleported out.

Did you really think I would break up my 2 OTPs? Without them being reunited? U crazy :)

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