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5 days have passed since the beginning of term and Harry felt guilty.
He promised Draco they would be friend, bus since Harry spend all his time with the transfers he had been lacking.

"Hey.." Harry said as he greeted Draco by the lake where Draco was doing his transfiguration homework .
"Hello Potter.." Draco said a bit rudely
"I'm sorry Draco, I've been busy and-"
"Say no more,its obvious you don't want to hand out with an ex-death eater like myself,and you obviously have better things to do like flirt with the one who looks like you"
Harry shook his head ,"it's not like that,I swear and I've been very busy ,let me make it up to you"
"How?" Draco asked skeptical .
"Draco,would you like to be my date for Hogsmead?"

Draco stared ,"A date? With you?"

Harry blushed a dark crimson and nodded.

Draco's pale white skin turned to the color of a strawberry . "I'd like that..."

"It'll be a double date, You,me,Percy and Nico,Percy told me he was going with nico.." Harry finished .

Draco smiled,"alriday  I'll see you soon"
Then he left for his next class with the ravenclaws.

Harry sighed in relief, he didn't want to loose Draco as a friends, and he also wanted Draco more than a friend ,so he hit two birds with one stone.

Feeling all exited, he ran to him common room.

~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Cho Changs salty tears~~

The next day the school had a free day were all the classes were canceled for the rest of that day.

Harry and Percy wore their best robes to impress their dates .Black silk with red lining underneath.

"How do I look?" Harry asked

Dean rolled his eyes,"For the millionth time Harry you look splended"

Ron got ready to for His date with Hermione .

Leo and George also got ready ,but nobody knew why .

Percy was just trying to calm his crazy hair.

"Dam brush!" Percy said in irritation.

"It's no use I've already tried"Harry said as he stared into the comb as if it was his worst enemy .

Percy had already gotten his letter back from his mom yesterday ,but he didn't show anyone, except Leo,Nico,and Piper .

It read ,

"Dear Percy

Mum is ok,and I'm happy to hear you've made friends.
But are you sure its him?
I'll contact Headmistress McGonagall for more information, but please don't tell him anything .
I want to talk to him myself

Love, Mum"

At first Percy worried ,what if Harry really wasn't his brother?
He would feel like he was loosing another family member. . .
Then Percy felt jealous ,Why would my mom care? Did she care for Harry more?
Percy shook those ideas out of his head .

Now back to Harry .

Harry ,Percy,Leo,George, Piper, Hermione ,Dean ,and Seamus all walked towards Hogsmead

Piper meet Jason halfway there and left with them,they had a double date with Hazel and Frank.

Seamus and Dean went off as well

Ron and Hermione left.

And surprisingly George and Leo left together .

Which left Harry and Percy looking lost .
They waited in front of a coffee shop for what seemed like hours.

"What's taking them so long?"Percy asked.
Harry shrugged ,just then Professor Lynnch walked by .

Lynnch glared at them ,"what may you too be zoing here?" She croosed her amrs over her chest.

Harry realized her accent was a bit French . no wonder she didn't seem like she belonged, she's from Beauxboton .
But something else was off about her...

"Nothing Ma'am, Just waiting for our dates" Percy said is an etempt to get rid of her.

Lynnch glared harder, Harry and Percy gulped. She was ,cruel ,Mean,AND scary.

"Fine,but don't look so...idiotic... You repulsive baboons ... Not Eveything will come so easy... Like waiting... So get a move on!"

Finnaly Lynnch walked inside the coffee shop away from their horrified eyes.

Harry and Percy were now standing as tall as stick ,afraid to move.

Just then Nico and Draco walked up to them.

"What's wrong ,looks like you've seen a ghost" Draco said amused by their faces.

Nico poked Percy on the cheek.

Percy shook his head and said,"nothing, nothing happened, come on let's go"

They walked off away from this shop.


:3 question: Coffee or Cake?

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