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"Mom?" I asked as she opened the door ,she smiled and hugged me tightly

"Thank goodness Percy someone is here to see you,come in bring your friends ,hurry." She rushed us all in

The apartment was small ,but cozy,also a bit more lonely after Paul died.

The seven noticed a beautiful woman sitting on the blue couch, her hair was as dark as coal ,flowing to her shoulders. Her lips a bright red,and her eyes matched her emerald green dress made of silk. Jewlery was worn all over this woman.

"Mistress Hecate" Hazel said bowing her head ,as did the rest.

Hecate smiled ,"ah Hazel one of my most prized mist users, I've come to speak to Percy and the rest of you"

"Yes, my Lady?" I asked,we all took a seat ,my mother offered us all cookies,but Hecate ignored her

"I've come to tell you of your true power, you see I am the goddess of magic and it gets lonely to have such power all to myself ,so I bless people to be magical begins like myself, soon they had magical children and as did theirs,soon a new race of Wizards and Witches were born "

"Why are you telling us all this?" Piper asked with a raised eyebrow

Hecate smiled ,"Because you are all wizards and witches"

"What?" The seven asked
(A/N: the seven includes nico because annabeth is gone)

"Yes,Franks mother was a witch,Hazels was a squib, Piper and Jason are muggleborn ,Nico's mother was a witch ,Leos mother was also a squib, and Percy is a full blood "

"My mother is a squid?" Leo asked
Hecate rolled her eyes,"SquiB not SquiD  ,a squib is when your parents are magical and you are not"

Leo nodded in understanding, in truth he had no idea what she saying

"Why tell us now?" Jason asked

"Because ,since you were at camp half-blood i had to suppress the magic ,you need to learn to harness your potential ,so I am sending you all and Percy's mother as a guarding to one of the best wizarding schools -" she paused for dramatic effect -" Hogwarts"

"Hogwash?" Leo asked confused

"Hogwarts my idiot boy,a school for young wizards ,they only take 11 year olds and up to 17 ,but I will add magic knowledge to your brain so you would be caught up" Hecate said

Hecate turned to Sally ,"how rude of me ,I'm over here talking while you stand ,Terribly sorry Lily"

"Lily?" I asked ,"her name is Sally"

My mothers eyes pleded for Hecate to close her mouth as if she was hiding a secret .

"No my dear boy, Her true name is Lily Potter, mother of you and your brother Harry" Chuckled Hecate.

My mothers eyes watered ,"Harry's dead! How dare you bring back memories of my son,yes I have agreed to take them,but it seems so idiotic to take them that far when ilvermorny is just around the corner !"

"Yes,but Ilvermorny is a lot more stricter than Hogwarts ,Plus Durmstrang and Beauxboton aren't allowing any new students to their school "

Other than Hecate and Sally/Lily everyone was confused

"Durmstrang?" Piper asked
"Beauxboton?" Hazel asked
"Ilvermorny?" Jason asked
"Hogwarts?" Frank asked
" Harry ?" Hazel asked
"Brother?" Percy asked
"Leo!"Leo said which earned a smack from piper.

Hecate sighed,"Lily will explain to you all what Hogwarts is about, good luck ,you'll feel pain in morning from all the knowledge I shoved into you,goodnight and hope you find your brother percy"

In a flash of black light she was gone

Nico walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder ,all of this was too much to handle ,Magic,Schools,my mother is not who she says she is

"Mom,please explain to me and my Friends why Hecate said all those things, is your name really lily?" I asked.

My mother sighed and nodded her head," name is Lily Potter , Hogwarts ,like Hecate said, is a school for young Wizards and Witches to learn about magic ,there are more schools, but Hogwarts is the most famous of them , I had two sons with my old husband James , The oldest being Harry, then you Percy, I thought Harry died the day Voldemort came ,so I took you and left, now we must go back"

Hazel and Piper wrapped my mother is blanket and hugged her ,Jason ,Frank, Leo and I did the same.

"Can you ever forgive me Percy? For telling such lies?" She asked me

I nodded. "I forgive you"

She sniffed and said ,"Ok children pack your bags ,were going to Britain"

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