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I couldn't find Nico anywhere I asked Pansy, whom was chatting with some girls and Blaise near the Quidditch pitch , Where he was.

"I don't know Perce ,probably in the doorms ,I didn't see him leave, come I'll take you" she said kindly.

I didn't know why everyone called her mean ,they said she made many mistakes, but other than that I liked her. Very Ambitious ,and very kind.
Blaise glared at me,but said nothing.

"This way" Pansy led me to the Slytherin dorms near the basement.which was sort of depressing.

"Pureblood" pansy said the password and walked in with me behind her.
Their common to was a lot more darker than mine, more green and it looked like a fancy fish tank.

"I have to go,...umm percy do you know a gift Blaise would like?" Pansy asked shyly scratching the back of her head.

Percy raised an eyebrow ,"for what?". I was very curious

Pansy shrugged ,"Well ,he seems very jealous whenever I hang out with another guy, and I want to tell him I truly do love him ,I want to show him that I care and will always be there for him..'

"Have you told him this?" I asked.

" not really" She whispered.

"All you need to do is talk ,give him a hug or a kiss,tell him how you feel"

Wow when did I become Aphrodite?

Pansy grinned and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you! Hope you find Nico,Good luck"

Then she left with a skip in her step .

The common room was empty ,and everything was dark and scary looking, but i ignored this and walked up to the doorms

Just as suspected Nico was In bed mixing potions and muttering spells.

"Yo neeks what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

He shook his head and continued without a word .

I sat next to him .

The cauldron was glowing a dark purple ,Nico added some wormtails and it became a light blue,then a green with white dots.

"Its a Parentage Potion, you drink it and you'll know exactly whom your related too" nico finnaly spoke.

I nodded,"for Harry and I?"

He nodded and added more vials.

"It'll be done In a few weeks,till then we relax "Nico put the potions away and relaxed a bit. I smiled, he looked very peaceful .

Suddenly there's a weird aura . a cold one. I got a chill instantly.

Nico opened his eyes, his brown eyes turned a bit red.

He gave me a cold glare ,"Get out! You killer!"

I was shocked ,"Ni-nico,what..? Are you ok?."

"GET OUT! " he screamed ."You killed my sister ! It should've been you! Not her! Get out! "

I was now frightened ,"Please nico,love.."


Tears threatened to escape,"Nico what's wrong? Your not thinking straight.. Let me help "

I was very confused now, just a second ago he was alright! Now he's..

"HELP? HELP? YOU CAN HELP! BY LEAVING, BAH BYE!" Then he kicked me out with a slam of the door.

I knew I couldn't do anything so I got up and left with a great sob.
Where did my nico go?

I didn't notice the pair of Red Eyes hiding under the Green curtains of the Slytherin doorms.

If you are confused It'll explain itself later

Green Eyes (PJO and HP) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now