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"Ok first day at Hogwarts, are you all excited?"  . my mom exclaimed.

"Mmmhhmm" Hazel said and did little dance as if she really wanted to go to The restroom.

My mom senses this and says,"Don't worry Hazel ,there's a Loo in the train just ask for directions."

Hazel nodded .

We were all at Kings Cross station looking for Platform 9 3/4 which I was sure did not exist.

"Umm Ms.Potter ,there is no platform nine and three quarters, see there's ten there's nine. " Jason reasoned

Piper rolled her eyes ,"Jason! This is a whole new world filled with magic . trobebly hidden in those walls" she pointed in between the stations.

Lily (wow its weird calling my mom that)  Smiled and said "smart girl"

Leo smiled brightly and ran head first into the wall and dissapered. My first thought was "What the fu*k"

"Stupid boy" Frank added

My Mother told us all to follow Leo and do exacly what he did.

"Is that really a smart thing to do?" I asked clutching my new kitten Small Bob ,who was a black and orange tabby cat that my mother had bought me.

She nodded her head,and hesitantly we all did as she said.

Finnaly on the other side was a bright red train with the words "Hogwarts Express" written over it. Nice.

"Ok ,good luck I owled the headmistress ,my aunt McGonagall , and told her about you all , I have to go now ,I've sighed up for a muggle job , goodbye and behave yourselves,owl me."

She kissed us all on the cheek and we all went to sit in a compartment.

We waved her goodbye ,when the train left off .
A new adventure awaits us.

-time skip brought to you by Small Bob-

A few minuts later everything was chill . Hazel went to the restroom a few seconds ago.

Piper was feeding her barn owl Pluma .
Jason was also feeding his hoot owl named Bolt.
Leo got a screech owl named Torch whom he was talking too.
Frank held a toad named Eyor and a pink little thing that Hazels calls Piglet .

Nico and I were sitting side by side watching out kittens play ,his was an all black cat playing with my black cat with orange spots.
Nico's kittens name was Midnight .

"So what do you think it's gonna be like?" Nico asked me,making butterflies fly in my stomach.
I shrugged and stared at the kittens ,Midnight pounced on Small Bob playfully and started to meow.

I smiled and rubbed Midnights small belly ,"I don't know what about you?"

He shrugged as well and played his head on my shoulder.

Just then a boy(almost 18) popped his head in . "Umm terribly sorry to interup, but may I come sit ? All the other compartments are full,I'm George by the way"

Leo smiled at this redheaded boy, they both the devilish glint in there eye.

"Yah,come sit over here." Leo made room next to him.

George said thankyou and sat down ,he turned to us and said "Your all american aren't you? I can tell by the accent. Ilvermorny probably?"

We all remember our cover story and nodded.

"Yah transfer students".Jason said.

"Yes,and hey aren't you a bit old? I mean like don't we graduate at 17. you look 19" Piper asked. 

George shrugged and spoke in a sad voice,"well 2 years ago I dropped out and started a joke shop with my Fred... My mum wants me to come back and get a proper education. Is that a Pygmy Puff ?My sister Ginny has one named Arnold."
He pointed at piglet.

"Oh yah,thats piglet ,he's super fuzzy" Leo said and held piglet out.

Everything went back to normal ,George and Leo seem to have hit it off very well talking about pranks and telling jokes.

Hazel came back some time in the middle and took her Pygmy Puff back.

Nico layed his head down again and I leaned in . this felt right. This felt comfortable.

I'm thinking of making George Gay. What do you think?

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