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We all packed our clothes (well the rest of the seven had to go back to camp and get their clothes)
And nico,4 by 4 ,Shadow Traveled us to the outskirts of Britain .

It was a beautiful place

"Wow" Hazel said and she placed her bag down .

"This place seems legit" Leo added

My Mom smiled and took out....a stick?

"Mom?" I asked a bit confused

She looked down at the stick and then at me and nodded in understanding

"This Percy is my wand ,every witch and wizard must have one,we'll go to Ollivanders , a wand seller ,in
Diagon Ally ,a place in London only for our kind " she explained

"When will we go?" Frank asked

"Tomorrow morning" she answered ,"first let's get some sleep?"



"Yes,Ms.Potter ,don't mind me asking ,but where ? We are in the middle of nowhere" Jason reasoned

My mother smiled and waved the wand ,muttering something under her breath ,in a few seconds a 3 story building aroze from the ground

All,but my mom, stared in amazement at the blue building formed

"How's that for an answer?"my mom said as she placed her wand away .

Jason stood opens mouthed ,piper closed his mouth with her hands .

Nico stared at the house ,the light from it hitting his face perfectly
He hasn't said much for the entire trip, he looked cute.
Yes I do have a slight crush, but he said I wasn't his 'type'

Hours later we have settled in,
My mom,Hazel and,Frank on the first floor were the kitchen was .
Jason,Leo,and Piper on the second . poor piper.
Then finally Nico and I in the top floor.
I wasn't complaining .

Then I feel asleep

In my dream (oh great another dream) was pure darkness ,I heard screaming and then someone running up the steps, a mother think  ,crying ,holding two babies ,I heard a closet lock and a crib move, then,my mother's voice pleading for mercy ,the darkness was engulfed in two green lights , a moment or two have passed then a heavy mans steps came and took the child away .

"Harrya voice whispered in the darkness obviously in pain .

"Percy" It said

Then I woke with a start, my heart was pounding in my chest, the voice was my moms .
Whos Harry again? Oh right my brother , I sighed and ran my hand through my hair and walked out of room,I changed first of course, then knocked on Nico's door .

"Yo Neeks wakey wakey!" I said
A tired nico opened the door ,he yawned adorably and said "hmm...percy? Oh,hey ,so this is all real?" He asked

I nodded and chuckled ,"yah,a bit crazy,come on moms taking us to D-d- what's it called"

"Diagon ally?" Nico raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face

"Yah that's it, come on I can almost hear Piper yell at us" I joked

Nico laughed ,"haha,yah, how are you holding? You know with Annabeth?"

"I don't wanna talk about, what about you and Will?" I asked changing the subject

"I don't wanna talk about"

We stood there for a few seconds in an awkward silence .

"Breakfast?" He asked
"Breakfast." I agreed

And we went down to eat

----Time Skip brought to you by Bob---

We went to Diagon Ally ,bought are supplies ,robes,equipment, and stuff  now we need animals

Nico's eyes lit with exitment.

"Let's go" Frank said as my mom led the way

"Do you think they have dragons?" Leo asked as Piper smacked him .

I looked around ,this place sure was something I saw two people trying on robes in a Shop called 'Madam Malkin's'  a blonde and a brunette ,

The dark haired one seemed familiar ,but ...from where have I seen him?

"Percy!" Jason called for me to follow


I don't know why,but the Boy-in-the-shop was on my mind all day .



R.I.P.John Hurt, (Ollivander) wand shopping won't be the same without you . :(

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