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"This is the Gryffindor common room" the red headed boy said with enthusiasm.

I think his name was Rin or something.
Dang now I feel like Mr.D.

Leo smiled ,"nice,I love the color" Then he plopped on the big red couch.

"Ehh I'm more for the blue, but still nice" I said politely. Gotta make a good first impression.

Hermione and Piper left to the seventh year girl dorms ,since they're the only ones there I bet they'll be good friends.
(A/N:Lavender died and Parvati graduated)

"Come ,ill show you our dorms" Harry said and walked up the stair cases.

I liked him. He was kind and brave ,Ron's nice too....but I wish Nico had come with us...why did we have to separated?

"Psst Perce" Leo whispered low enough so Harry and Ron couldn't hear.

'Yah leo?" I whispered back.

"Is it weird I George?" He was hesitant to say this.

I shook my head,it was no secret Leo was gay that's why Calypso broke up with him ,she was homophobic. And leo deserved a chance of happiness, he had a crush on Jason too but Leo only told me. That's how strong our connection has gotten .

"No,if you like him go for it ,I'm still trying to get Nico" I said
"You and Nico? I can see that happening" He chuckled.
"Oh that's why you were staring at him!" "Shhh!" I hissed at his with a red face.

As we walked in we saw 3 other guys in there.

"Ok this is Seamus, that's Dean,and Neville" Ron introduced .

They all smiled and said hi, and kept unpacking.

So we did the same.

"What's the difference in all the houses?" I asked.

Harry looked at me confused ,"didn't you hear the sorting hat song?"

I blushed and said ,",I was busy"

Leo laughed ,"Yah 'cause you were staring a Nico"

'Who?" The one called Dean asked

"The one who was sorted into Slytherin" Leo answered.

"Your gay?" Seamus asked

I blushed harder,"yah..."

"Don't worry Percy, Seamus,Harry and I are too" Dean said.

I stared at harry "Really?'

He blushed red,"yah...anyway back to your um question ,Hufflepuffs are for the Loyal and the Just"

"Well that sounds like Hazel,Frank,and Jason" Percy interrupted ,"Oh sorry,go on'

"Ravenclaws are for the smart,and creative"

Percy thought painfully of Annabeth

"Slytherin are cunning and ambitious, and us Gryffindors are Brave and Prideful" he finished.

Leo smirked,"well yes,yes I am"

I smacked his head and he laughed harder.

"Hullo" a voice said from the door.

Suddenly Leo stiffened ,it was Geroge.

"Hullo George, your awfuly late you missed introduction" Neville said.

George smiled ,"Ill take this bed besides Leo" he then setted his luggage besides fire boy. He was a mess of red ,like Georges hair.

I mentally freaked out when Leos nose reached a very hot yellowish orange color.

When nobody was looking I pointed to my nose at leo.

He understood and grabbed the nearest tissue. And blew his nose .

Nobody noticed the burned tissue.

"What's that smell?" Harry asked
"Smells like smoke.." Neville said
"Weird...probeby the fire got over heated." Dean suggested.

I sighed in relief.
We didn't want anyone knowing we were demigods.
Well ...the rest of the seven .
In a week was my birthday and Poseidon's blessing will wear off.
But I know the others can't handle it ,its in their DNA.
But we still didn't want anyone knowing and then send us away .back to that horrible place. With Annabeth.

"Time to hit the hay" Leo said and plopped onto his newly done bed.
"Can you not use American terms? Its confusing " Dean said.
"Right... Forgot you were British" Leo said.
"I'm Irish" Seamus said.
"Leo....were on the edge of Scotland and Great Britan, how could you forget?" I asked.
He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and layed down

"How was it like . in Ilvermorny I mean?" Harry asked.

Hecate's knowledge kicked in instantly.

"Very good,but very strict, you couldn't brake a rule without the teachers knowing Mr.Johnson was the worst,he was out History of American Magic" I said,well I didn't know exactly what I was saying ,they just came out.

"What houses do you have?" Ron asked interested .

This time leo answered .

"Pukwudgie, which is the American version of Hufflepuff ,they are embody the heart and soul"

Now everyone was interested into this. Leo blushed more as George sat next to him.

"Horned Serpant ,American version of Ravenclaw, they embody the mind and favors scholars.
Wampus is for worriors ,and Tunder bird are for Adventurers"

Suddenly everyone talked at once ,we chatted for a few more hours ,when someone yelled,

"GO TO SLEEP!" We heard from besides us.
It was Hermione and Piper

We looked at the clock ,it was 3:00 am .

"Dang.... Welp goodnight" leo said and went straight to sleep.

"Better go to bed ,we have classes early tomorrow after breakfast " Harry said and plopped on his bed.

I too soon fell asleep.
My last thought was "Why does Harry look so much like me?"

Then I was out like a light.


Favorite character in this book so far?

I swear Draco will appear next chappie. :3

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