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I walked down the corridors to the great hall for breakfast. Ron,Hermione,Leo,Piper,and Percy by my side . Neville, George, Seamus and Dean had already gone down to eat.

"You all were terribly loud!" Hermione hissed rubbing her eyes that had dark circles in them.

Piper groaned ,"I'm gonna go find Jason... See you in a bit" and she was gone.

Piper was very pretty ,and that's coming from me,a person who is GAY!  her choppy brown hair with random blue feathers in it was lovely. Her eyes were estonishingly beautiful they changed color with the lighting ,they looked like a rainbow.

But I didn't feel atraccted to her, yes I thought she was beautiful, but Draco.... He is gorgus .
Wait...why am I thinking of Malfoy again?

"Oh and Ron...Imadefriendswithdracomalfoy!" I said quikley . I forgot to tell him about my new friend.

"What?" He asked cofused as we sat down on the table.

"I made friends with Draco Malfoy...." I said.

Ron stared at me wide eyes

"Who's Draco?" Leo asked chewing on sausages.
"The boy Nico was talking with yesterday the blonde one" I said.

Percy looked a bit angry.

"Are you alright?"" Yes I am" he said "just stressed I guess ,new school and such "

I nodded.

I stared into his green eyes .
They looked familiar....

"Wow" Ginny said as she sat down ,"You look exactly the same ,well except for the fact that Percy has more muscle, a darker than, handsome surfur like aura. And such, so we're do you come from?" Ginny said in an ettept to flirt.

I narrowed ,seriously! In front of me?

"New York, but Ilvermorny is in Massachusetts ....a very long flight..." He said . he didn't sound flirty,only friendly.

"Wow any girlfriends? Piper seems nice" Ginny asked her eyes a bit narrowed.

"No,never,shes my friends Girlfriend, His names Jason,the one who was sorted into Hufflepuff" he told her

"Ahh yes,the handsome blonde..."

Suddenly it was time to go to are first class

"Come on Perce, we have Transfiguration with Professor Lynnch today" I said and pulled him away. He thanked me with his eyes.

Leo and Ron went to Potions with Professor Slughorn first.

We walked up the stares

We heard people mutter "Twins" "potters" "Jacksons" "Heroes"

I saw a pale kid half way to the Transfiguration class .

"Hey Percy, and you must be Harry Potter " The Pale kid said .
"Hey Neeks, this is apparently my twin Harry so yes you are correct" Percy said making the kid laugh.

I noticed the colors on his robes were green .

"Your a Slytherin?" I asked

He nodded ,"Yup,the common room is like a giant fish tank ,I saw about 5 merpeople pass my window .
The roommates are nice too,but aperently they have this reputation to uphold. But Blaise, Gregory ,and Draco are pretty cool . "

We talked more on the way there ,Nico was pretty cool kid .

We walked in and Professor Emma Lynnch narrowed her eyes,"Oh look the celebritys ,Famous Harry Potter and the handsome transfer students, Sit!"

They did ,Draco looked over as Nico sat next to him.
The Slytherins and Gryffindors have most of their classes together.

"Good" Lynnch said .

"Now ,tell me class how do you successfuly change a rabbit to a crow?" She asked in a rude snobbish voice. It had a faint accent as well. But from were?

Neville raised his hand ,"You make a potion called Rue Cro which contains the Crow feathers and a special mixture called devúe...Proffesor"

Lynnch glared ,"Correct ,5 points to Gryffindor"

"But devúe is extremely rare, so we substitute it for Exáazma ,an ancient Perl" Pansy said.

"Did I call on you miss.Parkinson!?" Lynnch yelled.

Frightened she shook her head ,"No Professor.."

"10 points FROM Slytherin for loud mouths that can't keep quiet "

Pansy held her head down in shame.

"Its alright Pansy,you did good" Percy said in a low whisper.

Pansy smiled and blushed ,Blaise glared a bit and put an arm around his girlfriend .

The rest of class went the same Professor Lynnch was very cruel and mean ,her appearance didn't match her personality.
Her brown eyes were filled with hate,her eyebrow arched high, and blonde straight hair glowed white in the window light. Her lips were big and puffy.

Finnaly it was over and we had Herbology with the Hufflepuffs

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Finnaly it was over and we had Herbology with the Hufflepuffs .

Hazel eyed me the entire class and after it was over she pulled him away since it was out break .

He came back a few hours later looking shocked, doubtful, and Surprised.

I wonder what Hazel said to make him like this....

Next chappie with be important.

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