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Cake it is then ,(this chapter is just a Drarry and Percico fluff)


The Griffindors took their Slytherin dates to Cho's Cake and Cupcake Shop for their date.

The shop was a blue sort color with yellow flowers painted that fluttered .
The smell of the shop was full of flavors ,Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Cocoa ,everything.
Only a few couples were there ,they took a seat In a table with 4 gray chairs.
A lady with straight black hair and black eyes came up with the menus

"Welcome to Cho's Cake and Cupcake Shop ,I'm your waiter Cho Chang -"

"Cho?" Harry asked ,Cho looked up and smiled ,"Hello Harry ,nice to see you,now what would you all like to order?"

"I would like the blue frosted cookies with the double hot chocolate chip with whip cream ,and you Neeks?" Percy asked his date.
Nico glanced at the menu and said ,"I like my coffee Like I like my woman"

Cho raised an eyebrow ,"Hot and Sweet?"

Nico grinned and Percy's hurt face ,"No I don't like coffee ,may I have the chocolate cake please?"

Draco and Harry busted out laughing at Percy's surprised face ,Cho smiled and laughed ,"And for a drink?"

"Hot chocolate"

"And you?" Cho asked Draco and Harry.

Harry studied the menu and said ,"The Caramel Frappe with blueberry muffin ,and you love?"

Cho's eyes widened ,"Your dating him now?" She asked in surprise.

"Yah I mean,they are together, eating a cute coffee shop,holding hands....this you miss the part were he called him love?" Percy asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Cho looked down and shook her head ,"Umm and you Draco?"

"Vanilla Frappe with a Chocolate chip biscuit" he said plainly ,not liking the way Cho was staring at him.

Cho nodeds quikley and left to prepare the brunch.

Draco snuggled closely to Harry as Harry wrapped an arm around him ,Percy did the same thing only difference was that Nico was as stiff as a board.
Percy laughed and said ,"it's OK I don't bite" Hesitantly Nico snuggled up next to him.

Moments later Cho returned and dropped off the food ,"Here you go,hope everything is delightful " and she left.

Percy dug into him Blue frosted sugar cookies and sipped his chocolate milk.
Nico giggled and kept saying to slow down.

Harry gave Draco one of his blueberry muffins  . Draco loved the taste of the the blueberry muffins and drank his Vanilla Frappe ,leaving a white milk mustache.
Harry couldn't help himself ,he licked it off.

"Keep it PG! PG! There are kids here! " Percy exclaimed making Nico cough ,Percy patted his back and Nico stopped ,"I'm not a baby"
Percy rolled his eyes,"I beg to differ Baby "
Nico playfully glared.

Drarry laughed. Soon they all were were.

When they were done they walked outside, by now it was dark ,so now the Griffindors tool their Slytherin dates to their doorms. 

Draco kissed Harry on the lips ,"Thanks Harry,this was nice I loved it " and walked in.

Harry seemed like he was just waking up from a dream come true.

Nico got on his tippy toes and kissed Percy on the lips.

"Bye baby" he said and walked in.

The two Gay Gryffindors walked to their doorms as if drunk and loving it.

And whenbhey wen to sleep is when the nightmares began.


Heheh be ready for next chappie.

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