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"So Draco,..... You and Pansy huh?" I asked . trying to make the air more friendly.

"Parkinson? No that's disgusting she's like my sister ,plus she's dating Blaise ,they're not here ,prefect stuff to do" he said. 

"Aren't you Prefect?" I asked.

"Not anymore, I gave up the position" he said simply.

After a moment he said ,"So....you and Ginny ?"

I shook my head ,"No she's like a sister, plus she's dating Erine from Hufflepuff."

He made a slympatetic smile.

I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach ,but his hair has a single hair loose which made him look smexy . His tie was a bit crooked and his goofy smile was adorable.
But also different. Not the same Draco I used to know...

"We've arrived." I said as the castle came into view.

Almost instantly he changed, he straightened his posture ,straightened his tie and flatted his hair ,his goofy smile changed into a grim frown .
He quikley got up and said ,"Its been nice Potter, I'll see you in the great hall" His voice was stiff, but not mean.

I was a bit confused, just a second ago he was happy ,now he seemed like a puppet.

And then he left . now I was all alone .

*Time Skip to Great Hall*

I got a ride with Ron and Hermione who met me in the ride, Hagrid greeted us and left to help the first yearers.

Now we were sitting in our house tables waiting for the first yearers to be sorted .

Headmistress McGonagall spoke above the crowd

"Welcome Students Old and New to Hogwarts,New Yearers we sorted into their houses. Which are Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor . Now a Special announcement. Seven transfer students from the American Wizard school Ilvermorny have come to join us this year ,make them feel welcome"

There were murmers all around ,I noticed the little girl named hazel was one of them.

"And our new Transfiguration Professor, Emma Lynch" McGonagall said.

A small blonde haired girl with brown eyes smiled from the teachers table.

"And our new Deffense Against the Dark Artsr and new head of Gryffindor house ,Daniel Felton"

A man with black hair and grey eyes stood up and smiled.then sat back down.

"I wish they would hurry up,I'm starving" Ron whispered

Hermione rolled her eyes,"Your always hungry"

After the sorting hats song the sorting began.

"McLean,Piper" Proffesor Slughorn announced. Since he was the new deputy Head Master.

The American girl with brown hair and kalediscope eyes went to sit .


we All cheered for her. Hermione made some room for her to sit next to us ,"Hello.I'm Hermione Granger" she introduces herself.
"I'm Piper McLean,nice to meet you all" she said in a kind voice.
Ginny,whom was sitting besides ron, giggled and said ,"Sorry,it's just your accent sounds funny"
Piper raised an eyebrow,"thanks?.."

"Levesque, Hazel" the African girl with gold eyes walked up.


I knew it.

The Hufflepuffs cheered. Hazel blushed a crimson color and walked over to her new table.

"Di Angelo, Nicolas" A small pail kid with dakr hair walked up .


I saw Draco cheer for the new kid,I felt a pang of jealously as Draco shook the new kids hand and welcomed him.

"Grace,Jason" a tall blonde with blue eyes stepped ,he had the looks of a Gryffindor.

But obviously the heart of a Hufflepuff.

"Aww man,that's my boyfriend ,I wish we was here" Piper said.

"Don't worry you'll still see him around" I said.
"I'm Harry Potter by the way"

She nodded, then as if struck by lighting she stared at him "Potter?"

"Yeah...I am pretty famous here..."

She kept her mouth shut and looked forward .

"Valdez,Leo" a short Latino looking lid with curly black hair walked up,he has a cocky smile on his face.


His smile widened and took a seat next to George.

"Hullo," I said,"I'm Harry, this is Ron,and that's Hermione, Welcome to Griffindor house"

He smiled ,"Thanks man,this house seems legit"

Piper sighed,"huu out of all the houses you had to come here?"

Leo laughed ,"yah"

"Zhang ,Frank" a muscular Chinese person walked up.


He smiled and sat by Hazel. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder ,as people welcomed him.

And finnaly .


Was that the raven haired boy that I saw outside the shop?

"Jackson,Perseus" He looked....just like me,but with a tan. He had the same green eyes and black hair as me. But he's tan, more muscular, and handsomer.
I saw all the girls swoon and some gay,pansexual,bisexual guys blush.
Even Draco looked attracted to him.

Please not Slytherin.

"GRYFFINDOR" Leo and Piper clapped the loudest.
Percy walked to our table and sat besides Piper.

Hermione tried to speak ,"h-hi, I'm her- Hermione"
Ron glared.

Percy smiled ,"hey,Hermione's a beautiful name I've never heard anything like it"

Hermione blushed, but held her chin high.

"I have a brother named Percy, but he's a git" Ron said.

"What's a Git?" Leo asked.

"Basicly our equivalent to a bitch" Piper said simply.

Leo made a hump sound .

Percy smiled.

We turned our attention to McGonagall now.

"Now I wish you all a great year at Hogwarts May you all feel at home."


Hazel,Frank,Jason(Romans) -Hufflepuffs
Leo,Piper,Percy(Greeks)- Griffindor
Nico(my baby) - Slytherin
Sorry no Ravenclaws....

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