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I never thought I was capable of leaving my Nico behind. Ever.
The note didn't say to bring Nico with us ,and it took a drastic amount of Time to get Jason and Hazel to go with us.
We apparated on a dark street ,it only held 3 houses ,a blue one, and red one and a brown one.

Harry's God Father ,a guy named Sirius Black welcomed us into his, and his husband's home.

They,Sirius and Remus kept eyeing me as if they knew me . it bothered me to no end.
We were now all sitting on various couches ,chairs ,and sofas.

Headmistress McGonagall was thete with Proffesor Felton the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher.

Nobody said a word or moved an inch . the owls ,Torch,Amora, and Spark were in the owlery.the kittens Small Bob and Midnight were locked in Harry's room along with Franks toad and Hazels Pink Puffy thing.

Finnaly I couldn't take it ,"Ok Why are we here? What's the danger? What was so urgent you had to bring us here ,why are we all silent?"

Professor Felton spoke in a soft ,gentle voice ,"We shall discuss when your mother arrives, the lies in this room must be cleared ."

They waited until someone knocked on the wooden door.
Remus ,breaking his gaze on me, left to open it.

"Sweet merlin.." He whispered in disbelief.

My mother walked in ,she looked the same ,Brown hair and eyes that change color in the lighting ,but her face shape was . . different. . .

"Good evening" she said and took a seat between Piper and I on the blue couch.

"Now" Felton said ,"Let's begin this session with i , Eleos is the goddess of conpation, pity,and mercy, she had an affair with a Wizards and here I am,you see Demigods ,I cougth a wif of your scent "

The Demigods I'm the room stared wide eyed ,"But-bu-" Leo tryed to say ,"How are you alive? Demigods die before they reach 20" 

Felton nodded ,"I was under protective charms and such, plus there isn't a lot of monsters in England ,so I came hear to grow into my fathers roots"

"Wait wait wait!" Hermione spoke up ,"You mean to tell us,that You are a Greek demigod?" She had a look of disbelief on her face.

Felton nodded,"So are Hazel, Jason, Frank, Leo, Nico, and Piper. Leo show them your power"

Leo ,for once didn't have anything to say, lit his hand on fire .

Hermione, Ron and Harry jumped up ,"Woah" Harry gasped.

They have seen similar stuff like this on a daily basis ,but this was different ,They didn't say a spell or drank a potion , they just 'did it!'

Leo put out his fire and still said nothing . 

" Ms.Jackson to take of the glamour spell " Felton said after everything was calm again.
McGonagall, Remus and Sirius looked more alive .

My mother gulped ,but nodded ,with a swift of her wand and a muttered spell ,the spell was casted. I wish I didn't ,because I felt like I've been lied to all my life . again.

My mothers brown hair turned a fiery red like a lions mane . her eyes turned a bright green . she looked younger than she did.

3rd person POV-

"Lily. . . . " the heartbroken voice of Sirius called.

Lily turned to them and smiled ,"Hullo Remus,Hullo Sirius"

She then turned to Harry with teary eyed .
Harry couldn't believe it . It wasn't possible ,it just couldn't possibly happen. His mother.Alive. he suspected it ,but didn't think she was Actually Living!.

"Hullo...Harry... I hope can forgive me-" 

Then was cut off by Harry giving her a tight embrace.


Unrelated Note -

I watched the LEGO batman today.

I mentally freaked out when joker went into the Phantom Zone and a shot of a bald man with light blue skin ,dark cloak, and a silver stick appeared shooting green light. I'm like
'Is that..Voldemort? No moldy voldy isn't DC'

but when Joker introduced then all he said ,"King Kong, British Robots, Voldemort, Medusa!"

And I'm jumping up and down on my seat (it was in a teather) in exitment .


This made me happy, becouse only the baddest of villans get sent there (Phantom Zone) 

When they were fighting he kept said ,"magicmagicmagucmagic!!!"  While fighting and shooting green light at the citycens of Gotham.

Then at the end he's like ,"Windgardium Leviosa!" And lifted us Batsy. Sending his off to the Phantom Zone.

Then again he's saying ,"Windgardium Levios-"
"Yah? Windgar Levio this!" Then Babs send HIM to the Phantom Zone.

This was beautiful , did you see the movie? Tell me what you thought of seeing voldy there. !!

Green Eyes (PJO and HP) [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora