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"Oh her nico" Percy said "I thought you were a teacher or something"

Nico laughed

Percy sat down on the balcony, looking over the castle, the Quidditch field ,A hut,and what Harry called Hogsmead.

Nico sat down next to him and placed his head on Percys shoulders .
Percy wrapped his arm around him.

"Do you believe Harry's my brother?" He asked.
Nico shurgged,"I really don't know but he hopefully is....I know how much you miss Tyson.."
Tyson,Percy's little brother ,he didn't even said goodbye to him...

"Yah"Percy said plainly

"Nico I need to ask you something ..."


"Hogsmead is open next week, and I was wondering if you'd Like to come with me." Percy blushed.
"I'd like that" Nico smirked even thought his face was red .

They lay together,Bathed in the silver moonlight.

"You look adorable together" a dreamy voice said in the back.

They both turned around to see a blonde girl with watery blue eyes.

"Hullo. I'm Luna Lovegood. Sorry to interup, I wanted to send a letter to my daddy... Can you help me? My owls up there" She pointed to the highest cage were a white owl sat.

Nico and percy smiled.

"No problem, Ill get it" Percy said and got the owl down .

"Thank you. Your Percy arnt you?" She said as she strapped a blue letter on the owl and let it go.

"Yes,and this is Nico"

"Its a pleasure yo meet both of you" She said. Her voice was calm and dreamy as if she had just woken up or just going to sleep. Which made Nico sleepy.

"Its been nice knowing you Luna ,but I'm going to sleep,goodnight ,Goodnight Perce" nico yawned and left.

"Your name isn't Jackson,its Potter isn't it?" Luna said.

Percy was taken back,there wernt any demigods in Ravenclaw...

"How did you-?"

"I know , I'm a demigod ,I died in the Battle of the Labyrinth ,I was a daughter of Hecate . But my mum didn't want to see me dead so she brought me back in mistform ,she moved my dad and I here ,I know stuff other do not, but don't worry I'll keep my mouth shut"
She said .and left .


I got some cool info.

My moms boyfriend bought a poodle named Hera (after the Greek goddess) a few months ago.
Now since my Great Pysneese had pups ,my step dad is selling them. One man said ,"OK I'll take 2 for the price of 1 ,but I'll give you another pooble,a male so he can be with your Hera"

They agreed and in a few weeks well get the new puppy (its only a few days old)
And my Step dad and Mom said I could HAVE THE PUPPY.!!!

I'm going to name him Zeus after the Greek god who is Hera's Husband but cheats on her.
(Were planning to have him breed with out other poodle)

At first I wanted to name his "Remus" and then "Celestial" ,but Mom said no ,something she could pronounce in Spanish.
So Zeus it is!

I can't wait to have him :3

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