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"The mad woman?" Leo asked ,"As in angry? We could easily fix that with some Pwediepie or Ryan Higga or Liza Koshy-"

"No Leo" Piper enterupted,obviously irrataded. "It means more than crazy,you dumbass"

Leo made an "ah" face.He was probably the most American one .Next to Jason.

Harry narrowed his eyes,"what do you mean by a madwoman trying to kill us?"

All of them stared at Professor Felton.

Felton sighed ,"a few years ago Voldemort had two daughters, Delphi and Amme . Delphi was Bellatrix's daughter , she is no where to be found and is considered dead . Amme on the other hand was very much alive ,a witch named Cassandra adopted her and raised her as her own, she grew up graceful and beautiful. Nobody knows her mother,but its definitely not Bellatrix ,her age does not match up with the death of Mrs.Lestrange .
Cassy did her best to raise her ,she did everything right, but Amme thought she was always ment for more ,she studied hard and graduated from Beauxboton . somehow she found out who her father was,and her mother .,she then left for an unmeasured amount of time.
I was a spy sent by Hecate to stop her evil plan, which is to re-raise Voldemort .Hecate knew what was to happen to the Wizarding Community if he'd returned.  She ,Amme,went undercover at Hogwarts to find the only two people who could stop her and her chance to raise her mother and father.",
He paused for dramatic effect.
"Harry Potter and Percy Jackson , Percy Potter"

There was a silence.

"Well? Say something" Felton said.

"What do you expect us to say?" Hermione asked and scooted closer to her friend. He shrugged.

"Wait.."Jason said.  "Your saying that this Amme is trying to kill Percy and Harry because they might interfere with her plan?"
He raised an eyebrow . 

Felton nodded ,"Precisely!"

"Wait a second" Frank spoke,"Amme backwards is Emma..."

"Do you mean Professor Lynnch? Emma Lynnch?" Hazel questioned.

Felton nodded.

"You mean to tell me that we've been under the same roof as a mad woman since the beginning of term??" Harry exclaimed and ran his fingers through his dark hair. Lily placed a hand on his shoulder .

Percy then spoke out,"and the red eyes?"

They all stared at him.

"I-i mean whenever something strange happens I see red glowing eyes."
"Same here mate" harry said.

"Well"Remus started,"Voldemort did have red eyes, probably a passed genetic "

Sirius sighed "Amme is a very powerful being ,definitely the work of dark magic ,she can't be alone..."

Harry shook his head,"No she was alone "

Now everyone stared at him,"Whatever do you mean dear?"Lily asked.

"What are you not telling is ,Harry?" Ron asked his best friend.

Harry gulped,"I went into the room of requirements ,I saw a feminine body making a potion , she ,she said somethinng like 'veniet dominus meus venire, vigilans denuo, ultionem proferet' "

Jason, Hazel,and Frank looked at him weirdly.

"That's Latin" Hazel said. "It means '
come my lord come ,awake once more ,bring forth vengeance' "

There was another silence .

"He's almost back" Remus mumbled.

"Ok,so Mrs.Crazy what's to bring back Mr.Evil ,because Mr.Evil what's to rule over the effing world?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

Felton shook his head,"No..from the looks of it ,Lord Voldemort voldemort what's to be avenged ,he wants to kill harry for vengance,"He turned to Percy "And anyone who stands in his way"

He stood up "Now ,Professor Lynnch doesn't know what we know,stay hidden  we are sending you all back to Hogwarts. Percy and Harry you must find her weakness,we find hers we find Voldemorts . Now ,good evening to you all, get a goodnigths rest,tommorow you'll take a porkey back to school. Good day " and with that Professor Lynnch left the house .

"Well packing was a bit of a lost cause" Ron grumbled .

Nobody noticed the anxious look in Percy and Harry's Greet Eyes.


Sorry if its shorts.

Today was a very good day for me I

-bought the entire collection of Harry Potter (I only have the first one,I've read the rest ,but I didn't have them on my self,now I do!!)

-Bought the Goblet of Fire and Half-Blood prince movies (I only had the first one)

-bought Deadpool!

-bought a Bunny named Bellatrix (Bella for short)

-My Poodle had Puppies! (6 of them)

-got cheesecake to eat

-finnished this chapter!

-talked to an old friends! (Crush)

-Bought MAMA (horror movie)

-ate another peice of cheesecake :3

-watched Goblet of Fire movie and Half of Half-Blood Prince.

Yes ,today is a good day.

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