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I walked down the corrider steps that morning. Everything seemed different ,everything was more confusing for me . should I be scared? Angry? I don't know anymore.
I wonder what annabeth is doing... She had the easy life now.

I passed the new celebrity couple George and Leo.
I saw George lean in and kiss Leo on the lips. I've never seen Leo so happy . I was truly happy for them. But seeing them also brings me pain .
Where was my nico?

I walked off to class with Pansy,Piper,and Blaise. Nobody has seen Harry nor Draco since Breakfast. Weird...I wonder where they are.hopefully they made up by now.

We walked into Professor Feltons Class. Defense Against the Dark Arts was my new favorite class .

"Today we will redo the patronus spell ,Slytherins first then Griffindors,Mr.Zabini?"

Blaise stood up with confidence and said ,"Expecto Potronus"

We watch in admiration as a white Tiger formes 

"Excellent .Ms.Parkingson?"

She stood shakingly and casted the spell . a Beautiful Mountain Lion .
She blushed and sat down ,but in prideful way ,she wasn't going to let everyone know she was scared.

One by one the students went, Hermione and her Otter, Ron with his Jack Russell Terrier,George with his Weasel .

Then it was Piper ,like pansy she stood with pride and confidence ,but I could see the fear I'm her multy colored eyes.

"Expecto Potronus!"

A silver peacock came out showing of its beautiful feathers than going away.

We all clapped as Piper sat down. The potronus made sense to me ,Peacocks are beautiful and gorgus like her,but fierce as well.

Leo was next ,he strutted up to the front of the class and casted the spell "Expecto Potronus"
A Silver Dragon erupted from the tip of his wand.
The Dragon, seemed almost metallic .
I saw a tear glisten down Leo's cheek,he sat down next to George ,nobody saw the pain in his eyes as the dragon dissapered .

The Dragon was Festus . Poor Festus died during the war ,Calypso burned him with Greek Fire. No parts weren't burned. Festus was completely gone. Never to come back.

"And now you ,Mr.Jackson" Professor Felton said.

My friends know my last name is now potter, but for the sake of our safety we dicided it was best to use Percy Jackson instead of Percy Potter.

I nodded and walked to the front of the class ,it felt weird with all of those eyes on me, but it also felt common ,like the time I lead an army against Kronos. But that was long ago.

I thought of my family and friends especially Nico.

"Expecto Potronus"

I was expecting something ironic like a shark of whale, but it wasn't .

A silver Thunderbird flew through the classroom.

The class awed in amazement

"What is that?" Pansy asked and touched its fur as it passed her .

"That Ms.Parkingson is a Thunderbird, native in North America 
In Arizona ,with flap of its wings it can create storms ,it protects the mountains of its habitat, they say the feathers of it can make brilliant wand cores, we don't have Thunderbirds here in Britain, or Ireland or France and whatnot. I should know..." Professor Felton spoke admiring my Thunderbird.

"And why should you know Professor?" Blaise asked.

"Because I was born in America ,I went to Ilvermorny ,the School of Witchcraft and wizardry over there. One of its houses was the Thunderbird ,like Mr.Jacksons Potronus . "

Finnaly the bird dissapered

"Isn't it related to the Phoenix?" Hermione asked while taking notes

Felton nodded ,"Yes,Very closely related, now back to the main subject"

The class dragged on from there,but I played close attention to it ,finnaly it was very, I had a free period and went in search for Harry .

I went to black lake and the quidditch pit ,but nothing . My last resort was hagrid of headmistress McGonagall. I tool the safe bet and left to find Hagrid

I knocked on the door to his hut and waited.

" 'Arry is that ye',Finnaly come to pay me a visit eh?" The giant said as he opened the door.

He took a closer look at me

"Now wai' just a minute, your not 'Arry"

"No sir I'm his brother Percy ,I came looking for him,have you seen him?"

He shook his head ,"he hasnt payed me a visit in a long time,sorry"

I nodded ,"thanks anyway "

Hagrids eyes seemed almost red.

What was going on?

I heard whispering coming from the forest and I left to check. What a stupid idea .so I did it.

"Harry?" I called out when I reached a clearing. A group of people in cloaks of black and white were all gathered around the snowy field.

Someone in a white cloak turned around, it was Luna. Her eyes were purely red . among the group I was Neville, Dean,Seamus,Draco, Amme ,and....a bloody harry in the middle. Alive and breathing, but not well.

"Glad you could join us" A female witch besides Amme spoke. She pulled her black hood back and I gasped ,"And watch yourself and your brother die"
It was Annabeth

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