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Finnaly back at Hogwarts at last .

Harry was more cautions around Professor Lynnch than ever,afraid to cross her and get attacked. She was Voldemorts daughter for crying out loud! But the question remains. . . who is her mother?
Not many woman would sleep with the Dark Lord ,especially if he was a hairless ,noiseless ,evil being.

But who was harry to judge ones sexual attraction? It didn't matter really.

Before they had left Remus specificly told him to not do anything at all until they find out what potion Emma Lynnch was brewing ,Percy and Harry thought it was obvious ,a reviving potion for her father, but nobody listens to them anymore.

Harry wasn't complaining, he was back ,with his friends Dean,Seamus, George, Fred, Hermione, Neville, Ron ,Leo,and of course his new found brother Percy.

He didn't know how to feel anymore ,Percy was an amazing person . They looked identical ,acted almost the same ,and loved what the other loved. But Harry couldn't help but feel jealous a bit, to be honest Percy has had more time with Lily Potter than he ,harry,has.
All this time he thought she was dead,a corpse ,....so why did he see her ghost in the forest the day of the battle? It made no sense !
He still remembered that day ,His father,His 'mother' ,Dumbledor, and Snape. His choices to see one last time.

Harry shook his head,'doesn't matter' he decided ,'when all of this blows over I will ask'

He sat up on his red covered bed sheets. It was morning  now and everyone was at breakfast .

Draco would worrie-

Harry stopped mid thought.

He wasn't with Draco anymore ,not anymore . . .  Slimy git cheated on him with Terry Boot .
Why the hell would he do that to harry? They were deeply in love, but like a candle light ,it was put out quickly.

A tear fell from Harry's green eyes ,he was lucky he was the only one there .

He changed into His Quidditch robes and headed off to the field to clear his mind. 

His firebolt was a bit rusty from the months of no practice ,but it didn't matter . Harry mounted the broom and flew . He then realized how stupid he was ,he didn't have someone to free the snitch. !

'God dammit' Harry grumbled 

He flew back down ,he noticed a blond head in the stands,but refused to turn in fright if it being who he thinks it is.

"Hullo Harry" the calm collected voice of Luna Lovegood said .

Harry sighed happily ,"Oh its just you Luna" he said releaved.

"Yes,it's just me..." She said and walked over to him,they sat on the ground .

"Draco whishes to speak with you" Luna spoke calmly.

Harry narrowed His eyes ,"What for?"

Luna shrugged mindlessly ,"I don't know,then again I don't ever know . . . I have to go now, goodbye" she said and left.

Harry watched her go in silence .

"Where is he!"

Luna turned ,"in the forest"

Harry nodded and ran off . but couldn't help wondering that her blue crystal eyes seemed almost....red like.

While he was running many thoughts creeped in his mind. What did Draco want? Was he sorry? Or was he gonna gloat and bost about his new boyfriend?

Harry ran passed the threes and passed Hagrids Hut. Harry felt a wave of regret. He hasn't visited the game keeper since the begging of the year,.. Hazel was his new favorite student ...well it was Harry's fault always forgetting. Harry decided to say hello after he was done talking to Draco.

Finnaly he stopped ,there in a clearing stood Draco Malfoy dressed in his finest robes. His hair was a bit messy, but smexy notherless .

"Dray?" Harry spoked softly in a low like voice.

Draco turned and smiled. But the smile seemed off .

"Harry,...come I need to show you something" his voice was just as soft only more commanding

"After what you did to me?do you have any idea how much you hurt me? I thought you liked me ,but I was Wrong.and you expect me to take you ,just like that?"

Harry's voice was coaxed In pain

Draco shook his head softly, almost ghost like.

"No I don't expect you to forgive me, I want to show you that I do indeed love you,come with me"

Hesitantly ,Harry followed.

They walked even deeper into the dark forbidden forest. 

More and more harry got weary of the dangers in the forest,but Draco didn't even seem to care of a monster popped out of those tree. He kept walking like a shadow in the moon at night .

They finnaly stopped at the center clearing ,a weird figure in a dark cloak stood there.

"D-draco,w-who is this?" Harry stamerd

"Well done Draco" The hooded figure whispered. It was female .

It was the professor Emma Lynnch, or as harry called her now Amme Riddle .

Amme pulled back her hood letting her blonde hair flow behind her.
She smirked ,"ah,yes,well done indeed Draco,yes.... Do it now"

Harry dudnt even get a chance to get his wand before Draco turned to him and yelled ,"Stupify!"

The last thing Harry saw was Draco's eyes. But ....One was its original Grey,filled with regret and sorrows.
The other... Was half red ,half gold filled with anger ,betrayal ,disgust.

One thing was certain.

This ,was not Draco,but he is still in there. Somewhere...


Yay I got my Percy Jackson:Greek Heroes Book today !! I'm so happy I can't wait to read it !

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