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"Harry potter get your arse down here now or you'll be late to the family outing!" Hermione yelled from downstairs.

After the war Harry built a house besides the Weasleys were he lived with Remus and Sirius.
Also Ron and George build another house besides the Potter and Weasley One house .
Together they made the corners of a triangle.

"I'm coming 'Mione" Harry yelled ,and ran down stairs to meet hermione who was tapping her foot in the floor.

"What took so long harry? My parents have been waiting hours out side ! As have Remus,Sirius,and the Weasleys !" Hermione said angered by Harry's laziness .

"Terribly Sorry" Harry said ,"Just tired had another weird dream again"

"What of?"

"When my parents died ,only...different...more...weird"

"Look Harry we'll talk more when we come back ,right now the family is waiting, come on"
Hermione said and led Harry out were Molly,Arthur, George,Charlie, Percy,Bill,Ron, Ginny,Mrs.Granger, Mr.Granger ,Sirius,and Remus.

This sight made Harry happy ,he felt as if he had a family. These are his family . But he wondered how it felt like to have His father and mother here. And-

Harry blinked

Who was he going to say? His mind went blank .

"Hullo Pup" Sirius said holding onto Remus's hand.
Since both Sirius and Remus were canines they called him their pup.
"Hello Dad ,And Dad"
Remus smiled at the name and went to walk besides them.

"I know a great place in a clearing for the picnic ,just besides those trees" Mr.Granger announced

Mr.Weasley led the way chattering with Mr.Granger
Molly was talking to Mrs.Granger as well getting to know each other better . Remus and Sirius went to join them .

The children talked and laughed .

Finnaly they arrived ,it was the most beautiful plains anyone has ever seen ,they layed down a huge blanket and sat down ,Molly used her magic to set up the picnic.

And then we ate

"Oh Molly, this is delicious" Mrs.Granger said as she took a bite of Salted Lime Cucumber .

Molly smiled at the complement.

"Mum can we play Quidditch? I brought all the stuff" Ginny asked chewing a hotdog.

Molly nodded,"of course dear,just finished up and then you can play."

"Harry would you like to seeker for my team?" Ron asked as he put on his Keeper equipment.

"No thanks Ron,I think I'll take a nap instead ,by those trees" Harry said .

"Alright Mate ,see yah in a few" And then he left.

Harry thanked Molly and went to sit my the biggest tree ,which held the biggest shade ,and took a peaceful Nap.

In his dream harry left cold and alone ,all he heard were his mothers cry for mercy ,then a green light, then a second . Then Hagrid taking him away.

Just like how it has always been.
But this time it extended ,again everything was black,but he could hear everything.
"Oh my poor child" His mothers voice said as she held onto a crying child.

But this child wasn't Harry

Harry woke with a start ,he was in his room ,in his house.

"What the hell happened?" Harry muttered and took in every detail of his dream

His mother was alive .
His dreams were special now a days ,always giving him clues and answers ,this was a clue that Lily was alive .

But who was that child?

Did he have a sibling?

Quikley Harry jumped up ,Sirius or Remus probably took him home after he fell asleep or something of the sort.

He ran to his closet and took out the family album book,and searched through the pages .

Then he found it

A picture of his parents ,his father was holding 1 year old him,while his mother was wrapped in a tick blanket, they were cuddling on the couch .
Harry looked closely and noticed a tuft of black hair sticking out the blanked on were Lily's chest was .

Harry took the album downstairs to were Remus and Sirius were drinking tea

"Hello Pup did you have a good nap? You took forever to carry bac-"
"Who's this?" Harry asked interrupting Sirius.

Remus took the album ,"you,James,lily"

"No that." Harry said pointing at the tuft of black hair.

They both gulped

"Umm" Sirius started

"Harry" Remus said,"We need to have a talk" .

Green Eyes (PJO and HP) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now