Family Rivalry-Chapter 15

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"Oh sweetie! How are you doing? Why do you look sad my child?" Farim's mom softly said as she combed my hair with her hands. I felt goose bumps everywhere. That is what I expected from my mom. Just simple words that can save me from misery. 

"You can tell me dear! I'm like your mom. Did your mom scold you again?" she asked as she lifted my chin up to face her. I nodded. She hugged me and whispered "don't worry dear. Allah is with us and I'm sure your mom did it to make you a better person." I felt as if a burden was taken away. But happiness doesn't last that long. My mom came to that place. I swear the looks I get from her could be the dictionary definition for "glaring." I bet if I peel back the crisp, white, unturned pages of the Oxford edition all I'll see is those cool fiery eyes. It isn't just that her irises were monochrome or that the lines etched around them in wrinkles never move, only deepen. It is the kind of glare that you would see in a scary movie. There's a tale behind it, something I'm connected to but I don't know what. 

"Oh sorry to disturb Ajiha, I need to talk to Meeya." my mom said to Farim's mom in a very sarcastic way and dragged me into the air-conditioned room that I was in afternoon.

"Are you out of your mind Meeya? Do you not know that she is an evil spoilt person? Doesn't mean she talks sweet, she is a good person. Stop always being around her. Syadeek knows how to differentiate own mother to someone else's. And he always doesn't get close to other aunties. But u.. u spoilt one. you don't even talk to me properly but why are you talking to her with your teeth shining brightly. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You see how Allah is gonna punish you for being like this towards me" she hissed, dragged my ears and slammed me against the wall, slapped me a few times and hit me until her anger ceased. "I'll come back" she left.

Slowly I tried to get up but quickly realized how futile it was when I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain lanced through my head and colorful spots flashed in front of my eyes, it felt like my whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache. Regardless, I needed to get out of here...away from her.

Wincing In pain I started to grab the corners of desks and at the cracks in the tile to help me pull myself way. I dragged my feet to the doors and opened them. I tried to run upstairs as fast as possible to avoid my mom. I saw Saya opening, a door that was locked since the day I came. She saw me asked me to help her not knowing that I was in immense pain. I pretended as if nothing happened to me and manage to open the doors. It was a door to the balcony. It was a pretty view of the streets and we could see cars and motorbikes passing. There was a one-seater swing which I begged Saya that I wanted to sit on. 

While swinging and with Saya beside me I asked "Do you know anything about Ajiha aunty?" out of curiosity. 

"Ajiha?? Farim's mom? She is a wonderful lady! She loves kids. Whenever she comes to India she will gift me a lot of things. But my mom will give them back to her. Sometimes I secretly go to her house so that she would give me some of her foreign chocolates. It seems like our parents had a very bad past with her and her family. We are not allowed to talked to her openly or anything. But she loves me soo much you know Meeya. Maybe I can be the best daughter-in-law for her." she said and I stared at her.

"What?" she disrupted my sentence by saying " Oh nothing but yea.. there is family rivalry going on between them I suppose." Farim was the only child and if she wanted to be her daughter in law, she should marry Farim. But NO WAY IS THAT GOING TO HAPPEN. But the way Ajiha aunty treats her seems like she loves Saya very much. WHAT IF...."PPPPPEEEEEP PPPPEEEEP" a motorbike horn was honking. 

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