“Hello? Anyone there?” She coos and I clear my throat before I finally speak up.

“Hi there Karlie. Uh... you are speaking to Carmelita... Zayn’s wife.” I mutter and I can hear her taking a sharp breath in when I mention who is speaking.

There is complete, awkward and tense silence between us for a couple of seconds until I speak up again.

“Uh... I know this is probably a shock to you and trust me, I can’t believe that I am actually calling you either because right now, it’s quite hard for me.”

“You don’t say. You have no idea how terribly sorry I am that I have been sleeping around with your husband. I know that sounds so fucķing useless and stupid but if I knew that Zayn had a wife in the first place, I would never had a relationship with him. I know you were unaware of what has been going on too behind your back.”

Piercing my lips together, I try my very best to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill from how overwhelmed I feel right now.

“If we could possibly meet up and-“

“I prefer not to because I think you do know that I do despise you and how hard it is right now to be talking to you on the phone.”

“No offense honey but you can’t exactly hate on someone that you don’t know about. The only person you should be hating is your fucķing husband and question why he cheated on you in the first place because there are many reasons I can come with why but that’s me just making assumptions.”

“Well, obviously I don’t know why he did such a thing. I can tell you that I gave him everything that he wanted.”  I whisper weakly.

“Sorry to burst your bubble but men today is never satisfied with what they get and have. Never have, never will be. And what do you do about it? Cry in a corner, wondering what you could have done to prevent him from cheating.”

By now, silent tears flow down my face at how accurate she is about it. What do I know about relationships?

I have been with one man so far in my entire twenty years and even though I gave him everything I can possibly give, it was never enough.

“Are you done here? I have to get ready for work.” She asks impatiently.

“I just have a few questions. When did this whole relationship happen?”

“On his birthday, so it was only a month.”

“How did your relationship work if you get what I mean.”

“Well, it was either we meet at his place or mine. We never really went out in public for some weird reason. Most of the time we fucķed when we saw each other, sometimes he would buy me gifts like flowers or typical things us girls love. He was shady as fuçk but you can’t deny his charm and his model appearance.”

Zayn was so clever about it and that’s why absolutely no one would think that he would he cheat on me. I have no idea how he actually was able to do this and make it work behind my back but God, this man is fuckinģ sly.

“I think that’s about it. Thank you.” I mutter.

“So what are you going to do about Zayn? Are you going to divorce him but can I just point out that you look quite young to be married. You look at least eighteen.”

That’s it’s. I can’t take this woman anymore!

“I am not eighteen, I am twenty and what I decide on what I do with him has absolutely fuçk all to do with you. Thank you and goodbye.” I spit at her angry and hang up before she can say anything further.

Bad Blood // Z.M A.UWhere stories live. Discover now