Epilogue pt.2

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I don't resist, at all. Why resist when i know that i did not kill Anthony? I knew that i should've told someone or called the cops. I was just so goddamn pissed that i can't even fucking think straight. Mason probably thinks i'm insane. Hell, we can be insane together.

I never would've thought that i would be here right now, going to jail or even being questioned. I've never felt so deep of hatred for someone like i do Anthony. Threatening to kill me and my baby and on top of that murdered my sister. Since the day i found out that i was pregnant i pledged to keep my child safe and provide her with the best parents. And if that murderer even dared to ruin that for me, all hell would break loose. 

Tying the head around the fact that Anthony killed my sister is nearly impossible though all of the pieces of the puzzle were right in front of me waiting to be completed. Since that day I've been beating myself up wondering, why the hell didn't i try harder to figure it out? I loved a murderer, at one point in fucking time i had feelings for the man who killed my sister.

Am i crazy for thanking the world for his death? Or am i just trying to give my self satisfaction for everything that my life has hit me with? 

"What do you know about the murder of Anthony?", a tall woman standing beside me.

I tell them everything, from the day i found out Liz was dead until this very second. I was given my phone back, Mason should be here any second. I cant wait until i see my baby and my husband whom i love with all of my heart. Anthony's death still replays in my head, every second. But ill learn to cope, i always do. 

I never expected this roller coaster of a life, never in a million years. Yet here i am, living a fucked up fairy tail. That started off shitty and turned into more i could ever imagine. Ironic, huh?

The End.

After it allDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora