Chapter 51

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**Macks POV**

Before we left the mall I heard Hayes and Trevor talking about a guys night. So basically I was either going to be alone, or with Lexi. I like Lexi and all, its just she gets annoying to be honest.

"Hey, you should come to our hotel.. We have our own, and Hope is all alone on her bed, and complains about sleeping alone in the dark room." Lexi said.

I took a moment to think about it, and think that'd be great. I don't have to stay with Lexi, and I only have 1 more day to hang out with them because we leave in 2 days.

"Hmm, I'll ask, hold on."

I dialed my sisters number.




"Do you think I can stay with Cassidy, Lexi, and Hope? They invited me, and they go back to Iowa when we go back to North Carolina."

"Hold on, I'll ask Nash. I mean we're in another state, Mack."


I heard mumbles over the phone, and I was crossing my fingers.

"He said yeah, but you HAVE to keep your phone on you. You have to always have it charged, and remember, don't talk to any strangers! got it?"


"Mack, I'm serious."

"I know! I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone, and smiled.

"They said yes!"

"YAY!" they screamed.

I walked up to Hayes and told him.

"So you wont be sleeping with me tonight?" he pouted

"Nope, sorry."

"Okay, i guess I'll have a guys night with Trevor."

"Oh, you do that."

I walked back over to Lexi, Cassidy, and Hope and smiled,

"Tonights going to be so much fun," I smiled.

**Later that night**

I arrived at their hotel, which was about a mile from mine. I got $50 just in case we do something. 

I called Hope, and she answered.

"I'm here"

"Okay, we're coming down."

I hung up, and took my bags out of the Taxi. This hotel from the outside was nice, actually looks nicer than our hotel.

I saw 3 girls in the lobby, and I walked in. They all waved and helped me carry some things, no I didn't bring everything, but I brought two bags with clothes, and my Apple Mac Book. We arrived at their room, and it was nice.

"So what are we doing?"

"Well, since we're boy free, lets go to the trampoline park." Cassidy said,

"Okay, I didn't eat anything.."

"We didn't either. We can take a taxi to Azteca, the Mexian Restaurant down the street."

"Oh, that's how you pronounce it." I laughed.

We got ready, I just straightened my pony tail, put on my Magcon Sweatshirt, and black nike sweatpants.

The girls did the same, we didnt need to look fancy, we're going to be jumping on trampolines.

We got in the taxi and I got a text from Hayes.

I miss you already.. :( Love you.

I smiled at how cute it was.

I miss you too, baby. I love you, see you tomorrow.

We arrived at Azteca, and we walked in,

"Yum." I said.

"Yeah, this is our favorite place." Lexi said.

The waitor took us to a table, an ordered our drinks. I looked at the menu, but the girls already knew what they wanted. I picked out the Chicken fajita nachos, and when they brought us chips we ordered. I gave the waitor our menus, and he walked away.

"So hows life dating Hayes? With him being famous and all." Cassidy asked.

"I mean, would I like Hayes to be normal? Yeah. But it's not that bad.. Now Hailey, thats a different story. She's dating Nash.. They guy who had 5 million followers on vine, 2 million on instagram, and 1 million on twitter.. Hayes doesnt have half that."

"Oh, does it get annoying when girls are on his dick 24/7" Lexi said.

I started laughing so hard, along with Hope & Cassidy.

"Actually, sometimes. The thing that happened at the mall has never happened before. I just don't feel like getting mad at him about it, because I know there's nothing I can do."


'But I mean, I don't really like when girls are kissing on him, because I'm pretty sure they know he's dating me."

"I wouldn't either, to be honest. Even if they didn't know he had a girlfriend." Cassidy said.

After that, our food came. I actually think I can maintain being best friends with these girls. I like them more than my own best friends to be honest. They text me more than any of my friends do and I just met them.

When we finished eating, there was already a taxi for us, and we were on our way to the trampoline park. I was so excited, because I love trampolines.

I texted Hayes one last time before he went wherever he was going.

Love you. How are you doing?

Good, love you too.

I locked my phone, and we arrived at the tampoline place.

"There is like no one here but us," Cassidy said.

"Yeah, that just makes it 10x better! lets go!" Lexi yelled.

We walked in, and paid. This place looked so fun, like honestly. 

We all were jumping, and doing flips, and a lot of other things.

I had to keep checking my phone for my sister and Nash, and I had no text, so i continued to have fun. 

We started throwing dodge balls at eachother, and it was honestly so fun, aside from sitting in an hotel room for the whole night.

At nearly 12 am we had to leave because they literally closed at 10, but let us stay for 2 more hours. Im going to miss them so much, and we can only hang out for a little while tomorrow (or today considering its 12 am) because i have to go get re-pack everything for our flight early tomorrow morning..

I'm going to miss them, hopefully we can keep in touch.

GUYS! There WILL be an update later, and I'm sure of it. I'm finishing this book today, and starting the sequel. if you dont know sequel means look it up, but it means the continuing of the story, so basically that means i'm making the second book to this tonight :) Love you all.

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