Chapter 9

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Okay, so it's going to get MORE interesting, and stuff, and I have an Idea in like a couple chapters. (: Enjoy! ~M.xx

**Mackenzies POV**

It's been a week since my fight with Hayes. We haven't gotten in a fight since and have been hanging out a lot. I got up, and checked my phone, no text. My parents were finally home so I brushed my hair, teeth, and changed in Hayes' silk nike shorts he gave me a long time ago, and a T-shirt. As I got down my parents made breakfast. My sister followed me down the stairs. 

"Hey girls," they both said. 

"Hey," we both said with a smile. They usually aren't here at this time of day. Considering it's 10 am. 

"So, me and your dad want to go on vacation.. Just the two of us!"

Okay, so my parents have been fighting a lot. That's one thing I forgot to mention.  They fight about how they're always at work and stuff and they always worry about me and my sister home alone.

"Uhm... Okay." I say as I look at my sister thats just sitting there. 

"But there is good news!" my mom said. 

"Okay, so you have a choice. Do you want to go up to grandmas in  Chicago? Or stay here in North Carolina with the Griers?" 

"Well how long will you guys be gone and where are you going?" 

We never see out grandma, but then again,  depending on how long it is, Her answer would be here. Mine kind of would too.

"Okay, so we're leaving tomorrow. We're going on a cruise for about a month." 

Me and my sister both looked at eachother. Im actually suprised my mom is letting us stay at the griers for a month, because, you know, My sister and Nash are dating. Then again, my mom doesn't mind if she stays for like a night. But a month? Suprising.

"The Griers." we both say. 

"Okay, we love you girls very much. We would like to spend time with you two before we go. So today we're going shopping, and out to eat. So go get dressed. Also, since we'll be gone for a month we got you these, and please, girls, use this WISELY. Do not use these to go shopping everyday. The limit is 500$ for BOTH OF YOU! if you need anything you talk to Elizabeth." My mom said as she hands us our own credit cards. 

"And Hailey, if I see anything innapropriate, you know what im saying, you will get the card turned off. Understood?" my dad added.

I giggled and she nodded and her cheeks turned rosey red. 

We both went upstairs and I got a text from Hayes. Hey Mack! I replied Hey! I have some bad and good news!  I tossed my iphone on the bed and changed. i was too lazy to take a shower now so, that could wait for tonight.  I put on some yellow floral shorts, and a white croptop, and my nike free runs. I checked my phone one more time before putting my hair in a topknot and it said Yes? I put my hair in a topknot and replied back Well we can't hang out today, because I have to hang out with my family because they're going on Vacation for a month. :( but, me and my sister are staying at your house for the month! I smiled and waited for a reply until my mom yelled


We walked to the car, and he replied back Oh :( Im going to miss you today, and my mom already told me :) i just couldn't tell you because it was supposed to be a suprise. I smiled and put my phone In my pocket. We went to Victorias Secret, Bath & Body works, Hollister, Vonmour, The Nike outlet,  starbucks, and Walmart (not in the mall). After that we went to some weird resturaunt, and I didn't know how to pronounce it. 

My mom also wanted to go to the lake, that my family always used to go to. So we did. We pushed my sister in and it was funny. Until my sister grabbed my arm and pulled me in. I was so lucky i bought a lifeproof case today at walmart and put it on. My sister did too, so we were lucky. 

After the lake, my parents new that we were going to get pushed in so they had towels in the car. It was actually fun, but I missed Hayes.

As we got home we all went upstairs, except my parents, their room was in the finished basement. Me and my sister both had bathrooms in out room, so when I got home I changed out of my close and tossed them in my laundry basket, and took a shower. I felt so gross because of the lake, but i felt so good after my shower. 

After that I put on my pjs and brushed my hair until my phone started ringing, and hung my towel up, and ran to it. It was Hayes trying to facetime me. I answered and he looked happy to see me. "Hi" I said

"Hi mack! I missed you today," he said.

"I missed you too." i giggled, "So what did you do today," I asked.

"Okay, well I went to the pool with Ryan, and Jordan was there.. But don't worry I ignored her, and so did he. After that I went home and played COD Ghosts. Not very fun."

I kind of got jealous that he went to the pool and she was there. But I couldn't be mad, he ignored her. I believed him.

"Oh, I went shopping, ate, and went to the lake, and came home."

He laughed. 

"Well I just wanted to see your beautiful face. Im tired so Im going to bed. See you tomorrow, Mack."

I blushed, and said.

"Night Hayes, see you tomorrow."

I hung up, and thought i should pack. I didn't want to do it in the morning. I took my credit card, and put it in a wallet. I didn't wanna lose it, so then I packed. a lot of clothes, a tooth brush, facewash, and some hand towels, because I didn't want to use theirs. I also brought a new dove soap bar, Shampoo and conditioner.

After that I plugged my phone in, turned everything off, and shut my eyes.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


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