Chapter 16

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Okay so I'm sorry for any errors, I'm doing this on my phone, because I'm too lazy to get the computer ~M.xx

**Hayes' POV**

I looked around and couldn't find Mack anywhere. Jordan kissed me. I was stunned, and I tried to get her off of me, but it didn't work.

I tried to call Mack, but she didn't answer. I walked over to the table where Summer and Allie were at and they just starred at me.

"Where is Mack?" I asked

They both raised on eyebrow.

I just looked at them.

"are you seriously going to ask that question?" Summer asked.

"What?" I asked

"she saw you shoving your tongue down Jordan's throat, Hayes." Allie said.

"NONONO, Jordan kissed me."

"Looked like you were enjoying it" Allie mumbled

I gave her a dirty look, and go out my phone to call Nash.

"hello?" Nash said.

"hey, is Mack there?" I asked.

"Yeah," he mumbled

"where is she?"

"she's in my room crying on her sisters lap, Hayes."

"what!? Why?"

"hayes, don't act stupid. While you were shoving your tongue down Jordan's throat, Mack called us to come get her."

"once again, she kissed me." I defended.


"Can you come get me?"

"Yeah, I'll be there. But don't even think about kissing jordan again."

I hung up. And walked outside.
Jordan followed me.

"Where are you going" Jordan asked

"Just get away from me, Jordan" I said

"what did I do?"

"YOU made Mack mad at me"

"It's not MY fault, you still have feelings for me"

"I don't, that's the thing, Jordan. Mack is everything to me. She just got our of the hospital and now this happens. Now just leave me alone. I hate you."

She walked away. I didn't mean to make her sad, but I just need Mack right now.

Nash pulled up and I got in.

"when you get there, you need to explain to her what happened. She balling Hayes,"

I nodded.

when we pulled up I ran straight info Nash's room.

"Mack?" I asked.

Her face was buried into her sisters knees.

"go away" she said

I felt really bad, and Hailey was stroking her hair.

"You promised." Mack said.

"She kissed me, Mack."

"You looked like you enjoyed it. Just leave me alone,"

I felt bad. I got up on the bed, and grabbed her hand. She yanked it away.

"Please, let me explain, Mack."

"Don't call me Mack. I hate you!"

Those words hurt me. Bad.

"But, I love you."
I whispered.

"will you please let me explain," I asked one more time.

"Mack, maybe you should just let him explain" Hailey said.

"I'm giving him five minutes," Mack said.

Nash and Hailey left Nash's room.

"Mack, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me."

"That's not the point, hayes. You kissed her back." She said.

"I didn't, I tried to push her away, she just came back." He said.

She just say there covering up her face with a pillow.

"I promised you, id never lie to you. I never kissed her, she kissed me. I'm sorry Mack. I love you. Please, don't do this." I started to cry. I couldn't take her not believe me.

"My arms hurt from those stupid IVs and I don't feel good. I'm dizzy, and I'm scared, Hayes. I went to that party for you, Hayes. No one else, and you just left me. I have a fever, when I breathe it hurts, and I'm always thirsty and dizzy. I hate this. And I really hated when you kissed Jordan. It made the pain worse."

I stopped. And thought. Maybe jordan wouldn't have kissed me if I stayed with her. Everything bad happens when I'm not with Mackenzie.

"I'm sorry Mack." I said again.

She crawled over, and rested her head on my legs.

"I'm sorry too." She said.
She was sniffling.

I took my thumb and wiped her tears from under her eyes.

She closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Okay, sorry if it's short I'm on my iPhone and like it's hurting my hands to type. I hope you enjoy, I'll make some chapters either later tonight, or tomorrow ~M.xx

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