Chapter 2

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OKAYYYYYY, So i have absolutley nothing to do today so im going to update a lot. ~m.xx


 I see hayes and his girlfriend chatting while eating icecream.. They went to a seperate table and Mack went to a table by hereself and was on her phone. I actually felt bad. She always sits next to Hayes. Maybe she just feels awkward. I finish my ice cream and wait for nash. "Nash, I think picking up Jordan was wrong, you know? Macks just sitting over there alone." I said. "Yeah. I knew it was wrong but what can I say? Hayes wanted me too and she said it was fine." He said stuffing a big bite of ice cream in his face. Don't get me wrong I love hayes but I think hes being selfish. He obviously Sees Mack sitting there. Maybe I should pull him aside. I looked at him and starred at him for a moment. He was looking at Mack and didn't bother to invite her to the table. I soon turned back around. "Hey Nash after this should we take Jordan home? We could go to the mall with Hayes and Mack instead. You know like old times." Nash agreed and got up, threw his ice cream away and came and kissed me on the cheek. "Come on  guys lets go! and Jordan we're going to need to take you home because we decided that we're not going to the mall" Nash lied. "Okay" she said with a smile. 

We took Jordan home and told hayes that we wanted him and Mackenzie to hang out. "But I just don't understand. Jordan could have hung out too." "Hayes," Nash said giving him the stare. "You've been ignoring Mack the whole time. Youve barely said ONE word!" "Okay well to be fair shes not talking to me!" "Well MAYBE because you were talking to JORDAN the whole time." Mackenzie said sternly. Everyone shut their mouths.. Oh great


How could he say that to me? Or nash or whatever? Clearly he didn't realize he was doing it. I didn't even want to go the the mall I wanted to go home, but then again I had NO choice. I soon saw my screen light up and it was hayes.. Nice going mack, thanks for making my girlfriend leave, and not to mention making me feel guilty. I tried to hold in the tears and texted back This is absolutley not my fault, and if you're blaming me for this then maybe we shouldn't be friends. I sent it without debating on sending it. He rolled his eyes and he put his hands in fists. Im glad I said it maybe it will give him a wake-up-call.

We arrived at the mall, and I had a headache. I told Hailey I wanted to go home but she refused. She told me to make up with hayes but I said no. I mean serioulsy? Hes being selfish, and only thinking about his girlfriend. He can't even talk to me for 10 seconds. I went into Hollister and got a new pair of jeans. Hayes was forced to go with me but we still didn't talk. I can tell that he was annoyed. "Look, if you're going to act this way, then just go. Go somewhere else, because this fight isn't my fault. It's yours." He just looked away. I bought my stuff and my sister texted me to meet her at the food court. I sighed. We soon left and I was relieved. Was I really that bad of a friend? Guilt took over me and  tears fell, but somehow I covered it up.

I told my sister I wanted to go home, so they dropped me off. I then went to my bedroom, and took a nap.

I woke up to someone in my room. Tall, dark hair, blue eyes.. Hayes. "What? hayes? how'd you get in" I asked. "Your mom let me in.. Anyways I wanted to apologize for everything.. I was being mean and you didn't deserve it." "Its okay" i said as he walked over and sat on the edge of my bed. "I promise next time I hang out with Jordan, you can come over and we can all hang out." "It's fine, really, Hayes. I feel like Im intruding and i don't want to do that.." "Yeah, but listen Mack, you're my best friend and i would choose you over Jordan and you know that." he said as he looked at me sternly. I could tell he was being seriouls.. I started to blush and he winked at me.. I got butterflies.. but why? He's my best friend. Maybe it's because Im half asleep or something. "So you wanna come over to my house and play video games? Nash and Hailey are the only ones there and you know how they are.." he asked. I giggled and said "Yeah let me get ready first" he soon left and i brushed my hair, put it in a braid and walked over. Im just glad we made up..

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