Chapter 36

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**Hayes POV**

Today Mack & I were going out with Nash & Hailey. It's been a while, because we never hang out anymore.

We were all ready except nash. Mack has been acting weird.. Like she cries, and doesn't really want to go anywhere. Hides her phone from me. Did I do something wrong? Am I a bad boyfriend? When nash was ready were were going to a trampoline place. I don't really know the name but, whatever. Nash picked it out of course.

We ate at the hotel, so we didn't have to stop anywhere, and packed lots of water. We all drove in the taxi and Mack wasn't even on her phone, surprising, but whatever.

"So how are you guys?" Hailey asked

"Good." Mack mumbled,

"Great," I said

They smiled.

"It's been awhile since we all hung out. I kind of miss it." Hailey reminded us.

"Same," Mack said.

Nash was just on his phone, looking at twitter.

"Right Nash?"

"Huh, what?"

"Nash we're spending time with Mack and hayes, can you get off your phone?"


When we arrived Mack actually seemed happy.

"LETS GO!" She screamed. She set her phone in her bag, and we ran. We were the only four in here. I was doing backflips and front flips, and Mack was just jumping and laughing.

"Let's play tag!" Nash yelled.

"Not it!" Mack, Hailey, and I screamed.

"What!? No fair!" Nash pouted, but he has no choice.

Nash ran, and ran, trying to tag one of us. I was doing a bunch of front flips.

I noticed Mack was over by her bag and looked at her phone. I was confused because we were supposed to be ignoring it, but she looked scared. She looked up at me and hurried and put her phone back in her bag.

"Sorry, just checking on Lexi!"

"Oh," I said. I feel like she's lying to me. Nash and Hailey were trying to catch eachother, when I can see that Macks scared. Or worried about something.

"Hey, I'm going to use the restroom." She said.

"Okay," I said and smiled.

I looked to make sure she was in the bathroom, and ran to her bag. Her password is the date we started dating. It was cute, but I already new. I guessed it the first time. She was embarrassed to tell me, but it's mine too.

I looked at her messages, she had 3 unread messages.

I looked at the first one.
'Unknown' it said.

"Hey babe, xoxo"

"Hope you keep this secret, don't want your boyfriend getting hurt. Lots of love."

"I will get you one way or another xoxo"

"I see you;)" it read more. Most of the rest were disgusting.

I clicked out and was worried. Not just because of me because of her. Someone's following her? She won't tell me? I looked at her and lexis and they were talking about it.

"Why is this happening to us? Who could it be?" Lexi said.

They were pretty much talking about it. I saw her walk out and I hurried and put her phone in her bag.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Oh, just getting a drink of Water."

My back was faced away from her, so she couldn't tell if I was on her phone.

"Oh. Want to jump some more?" She asked

I nodded and got up. I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. We jumped and played some more games. Like dodge ball on the trampoline, don't let the ball touch your foot, etc.

When it was over, it was nearly 7:30. I was tired and we were on our way home.

Should I tell Mack about it? I mean she obviously didn't want me to know. Maybe I should wait. Why is this guy doing this? Maybe I should talk to Lexi about it first.

"Hayes, I'm tired." Mack said.

We were still in the taxi. I let her rest her head on my shoulder and I played with her hair.

"I love you, beautiful," I said but she fell asleep.

Hailey and nash were sleeping too. Rough day. I didn't want to sleep, because the taxi driver would have to wake us all up.

When we got there I just lifted Mack out of the taxi, and carried her up to our room. Her phone was going off, but I didn't want to look at it. I plugged her phone in a rested her in the bed.

"Lexi?" I asked while she was typing on the computer.


"Can I talk to you in the hall?"

"Uh, yeah sure."

I made sure Trevor was asleep, and he was.

I cracked the door a little, so we could get back in when we needed too.

"I was at the trampoline place... And some guy is messaging Mack, and I think you know about it."

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"You know what I'm talking about, Lexi. What is going on?"

"Hayes keep you voice down. We aren't supposed to tell anyone. Or else he'll do something to them."

"What's going on?" I said a little lower.

"Someone texting us . They're stalking us. You weren't supposed to know. Please don't tell anyone Hayes..."


"I'll talk to you about it tomorrow when Macks getting ready or something. Just ignore it for now. Okay?"


She walked back in the hotel room, so did I. I cuddled next to Mack.
What if something bad happens?

Here you guys go! Another chapter tomorrow!! ~M.xx

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