Day 88

48 3 0

October 18th, 2009

I hadn't slept that night. I was way too scared and worried. My cheek was hurting, just as my lip but it wasn't the worst part. The worst of all was knowing that it was my Dad's fault. He was the one hitting me. At about five in the morning, I heard him slamming the door and his car going away. Waliyha moved in my arms and I held her closer. I wasn't carrying about us hating each other at that moment. I knew it would get back to normal when she'd woke up. I just wanted to protect her because she's my sister.

Waliyha woke up first, sobbing. I was worried and pressed her head on my chest.

- Hey... What's wrong ?

I think she realized where she was because she get up and wiped her eyes. 

- I'll do breakfast.

And, before I could say a thing, she was out of the room, going downstairs. There was only me and Doniya. She was sleeping and I was holding her. I was feeling way too old at that moment. I was the one who needed to care about stuff. It's not a nice feeling at all, if you want to know. I was freaking out. But I never showed them, because I knew they would be worried. Doniya moved in my arms and I looked back at her, letting my taught going away. She was about to wake up, her fingers holding pretty tight my sweater. She then opened her eyes and looked at me, a small smile on her face.

- You're feeling better ? She asked with a rough voice, her fingers running over my cheek.

I grinned and she get her hand off. She laid her head back on my chest, looking so damn young even tough she was almost eighteen. 

- BREAKFAST EVERYONE ! Waliyha screamed and I knew by the sound of her voice that she was back to normal. 

We ate almost in silence before doing our stuff to be ready to go to the hospital. No one was saying a thing, it was a really heavy atmosphere. Same thing in the elevator that was bringing us up to Safaa's room. When we entered, my sister was looking way too much happy to see us and my Mom came straight at me, looking at my red cheek.

- What happened to you ? 

- Oh, nothing... 

- It's not nothing Zayn, you have a black eye !

- I just felt in the stairs, don't worry mom.

I looked at my two older sisters and they were smiling shyly. I knew they didn't liked to lie to our Mom, but we didn't had the choice.

- Dad's not there ? Safaa asked, her big brown eyes wide open.

Again, I looked at my sisters and they didn't knew what to say. So I went next to Safaa and grabbed her hand in mine. 

- He was home late yesterday and he had to leave for London in the morning. But he told us to tell you he was thinking about you. A lot.

I hated to lie like that to Safaa. But, to see her big smile, it was worth it. I was just hoping my Dad would be himself soon because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle that for a long time. 


So ? What about that entry ? Good or not ? xx

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