Chapter 10

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Once dance was over, I drank some water and tried to cool off.
We'd almost finished the hip hop number now, and it's looking really good.
Jamie's studio is pretty well known, and she does opening evening kind of things for people to come and watch us dance / take mini lessons.
We're going to be showing the work the middle hip hop number, and Jamie also wants me to perform my lyrical solo I've been doing for a while, it's to a cover of titanium.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone went off, causing me to jump since the volume was rather loud.

Gray: I'll pick you up, then we're going out x

Me: is that a date Bailey?
I used his middle name, god he hates it.

Gray: I guess so ;)
Okay he didn't retaliate, good mood?
But a date. A date with my bestfriend, that's weird, right?
I mean, we have feelings for each other so we can try and make this work. I'm excited!
I never knew how much I liked him until now, when the butterflies started kicking in.

Me: A date straight after dance when I'm all sweaty and gross? Romantic ;)

Gray: I don't care if you're sweaty and gross + you're not x

Cute. But also disgusting, who wants to go on a date with someone who looks like they've been in a fight with a gorilla, or maybe even looks like a gorilla?!? Grayson Bailey Dolan Does.

" what's up? " Olivia says, rushing towards me once she sees me grinning at my phone screen.
She looks at the screen, before gasping and placing her hand on my shoulder.
" a date! I told you I shipped it " She winked.
I laughed and punched her arm playfully.
" it might not even work out, I mean we're bestfriends so we might just stick to that if it feels weird " I shrug, hoping that really isn't the case.
I've never liked someone like this before, he makes me feel different.
" you better make it work out, or else " she jokes.
I nod and give her a hug goodbye.
" have fun with that hot thang " She winked, making me cringe but laugh too.
It was more of an awkward laugh, if you get what I mean?
I see his car down the road, so I hop in the front seat knowing Ethan wouldn't be there.
He smiles and greets me with a kiss on my forehead.
" You don't look gross, you look beautiful " He smiled, pulling a strand of hair from my sweaty face, and tucking it behind my ear.
" Okay, note to self: Grayson has a thing for sweaty girls who smell " I laugh and he giggled.
" You don't though, now lets go " He smiles.
" where we goin? " I laugh.
" our favourite place " he smirks, raising his eyebrows. My bed?? God, I love sleep. Okay no, that's not what he meant.

We drove for a good 10 minutes while listening to the only album we ever listen to! He pulled up at a cliff, where there was a picnic set up.
" aw it looks adorable " I say, walking towards it and sitting down.
He shrugged and pulled out his phone, taking some photos of me as I requested.
I was standing at the edge of the cliff, posing.
I guess this was practice for that shoot I was doing soon.
" You look gorgeous, honestly " He blushed, why was he the one blushing?!?
" Thanks Gray " I said, as he stepped closer to me.
He took my hands in his, leaning In towards me.
It was happening again, he was going to kiss me. Until I burped, oops.

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