Starting Something New?

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Okay so, I swear to God, you guys can kill me if you want honestly because it's been months since an upload and I don't want to make excuses anymore because even when I have free time I tend to spend it every way except writing these scenarios.

I did think of discontinuing it but I didn't have the heart to and I think that we can revive this story but I have the feeling that half of you or even more are probably sick of me and everything with being irresponsible so sorry about that.

What I'm trying to say with this chapter is that writing boyfriend scenarios for like 20 people is getting harder for me when I'm focusing on school because I'm one of those people that want to be an all A's student and do extra curricular so social media isn't as important now.

I am obsessed with Tumblr tho and I have noticed many kinds of writing going on there and I thought of brining them here!

Something that's significantly easier are random sentence starters that I actually adore and I, myself, submitted a few myself and I'm so happy with the results.

I want you guys to think about this.

A) should I discontinue and delete this story
B) try focusing on other stuff as well but when the usual boyfriend scenarios pop up we do it like boom
C) stick to boyfriend scenarios but you guys gotta wait until Summer lol

If you choose B then I have like 20
pictures worth of random sentece starters below. If you do want to request something and are just too embarrassed to do so, then private message me 😊

 If you do want to request something and are just too embarrassed to do so, then private message me 😊

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Naruto Boyfriend Scenarios And One~Shots [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now