When You Are Sick《Akatsuki》

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● Not noticing you're sick at first and sending you out on a mission. You coming back even worse and he finally notices

● Ordering you to lay down and let him take care of everything

● Giving you a death glare when you tell him that you don't want to take the medicine

● Is the type to literally shove open your mouth and make you swallow it

● When you give him a death stare, he would be like "you made me do it"

● He either goes back to work or cuddles up with you



● Right away, he notices that something is wrong and puts a hand on your shoulder and him being surprised at the sudden warmth

● Laying you down in bed and making you soup and bringing you the dreaded medicine

● The caring, loving type of guy who would try to talk you into it and tell you that it's not scary

● When you stubbornly refuse, he would sigh and then try to give it to you by crushing the pill and stuffing it into a piece of bread (I actually did that when my dog had to take his medicine)

● And if that doesn't work, it usually does, he would kiss you, with the pill being in his mouth and he would pass it and shove it down and you either have to swallow it or choke

● Slightly smiles and cuddles up with you in an attempt to make you less mad at him and it usually works

● Waiting for you to fall asleep first and watching you finally calm down and kisses your forehead



● Him running around the base, trying to find you and when he finally does, he picks you up bridal style and throws you on the bed

● Ends up giving you the wrong medicine and you stubbornly refusing to take the other one in fear that he will kill you

● You guys know those presentations you have to do like "why this is good for you", "why is this bad for you"...
Well, imagine Tobi doing that on the topic "why taking the medicine will make (Y/N)-chan a good girl"

● When that fails miserably, Tobi tries to persuade you with (your favorite candy) or make you drink it. By making you, meaning in some harmless way

● And then the trick comes. Tobi being well....Tobi, stupidly accepts a small candy and swallows it, only for him to spit it out because it was bitter

● Tobi cries, Obito comes and does things. The End.



● Blaming you because it's your fault and that you got yourself sick. Complaining that you hit hard even tho you're sick

● Sighs when he has to take care of you and realises that this is one of those boyfriend jobs

● He is not used to this at all. He can't even take care of himself, let alone another person. So you are left in Deidara's unexperienced hands. I hope you get out of it alive

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