He asks you out (AKATSUKI)

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Honestly,Pein wasn't nervous about asking you out.
He somewhat knew about his feelings for you,so he didn't worry,
because,as he would say,he is "God".
So,while he was doing paperwork,and called you to his office.
When you arrived,Pein didn't hesitate in saying:
"(Y/N),you and I are a officially a couple,nobody will lay a finger on you."
He looked up at your flushed face and smirked.
"You are excused."
"The date would be tomorrow,don't be late."


While on a mission,Itachi and you were eating lunch.
You were eating,while Itachi was just staring at his bento box.
"Itachi-kun are you okay?"
He looked up and his blood red eyes met your (E/C) eyes.
"Would you say yes,if I asked you to go out with me?"
You were so shocked,that you started choking on your food.
"O-O-Of course Itachi-kun",you managed to choke out.
Itachi just smirked and said:"It's official."


Tobi was sitting next to you licking a lollipop.
"(Y/N)-chan,Tobi is a good boy,right?"
You were surprised at Tobi's unusually mature sentence(partly)
"Yes you are Tobi."
"Well what would you say,if I asked you out?"
You were shocked and happy.
You smiled and kissed Tobi on his mask.
"I would say yes!"
He looked at you smiling underneath the mask
"(Y/N)-chan is officially a good girl!"


Deidara invited you to his firework show.
You immediately agreed,and went to the hill you met him.
Deidara was there slightly fidgeting.
"Deidara-kun?"He jumped and said:
"(Y/N),un.You came?"You nodded and he smiled,
preparing his clay.
"This is just for you,un."The fireworks spelled out:
"Will you go out with me,un?"In big colorful letters.
You were shocked,but said yes and tightly hugged Deidara.
He smirked "I take that as a yes?"


You were with Sasori on a clear field,watching him make a puppet.
You got bored really quickly and stood up to leave,
when you felt something pull on your leg.
It was the puppet Sasori was working on,with a letter in it's hand.
You picked up the letter that said:
"Will you go out with me (Y/N)?"
You were so happy,that you runned to Sasori and hugged him with all your might.
"I'm guessing it's a yes",he said while smirking.
You looked at him "Yes."


Hidan was very straightforward at this one.
"Hey *****,your going out with me on a date,is that ****** clear!?"
You were to shocked to answer,
so you just nodded,Hidan smirking
knowing he just shut your big ****** mouth,
and landed a hot date a the same ****** time.


Kakuzu wasn't so sure about asking you out.
He knew,he would have to spend money,
but you were the only person who understands him.
So he wrote the words:"Will you go out with me,little one?"
on a paper bill,and knocked on your door.
You opened it resulting in Kakuzu to almost poke your eye out with the bill.
You read the note,immediately saying yes.


He wasn't really nervous,so he just asked you out after a swim.
"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yes Kisame-kun?"
"Will you go out with me?"
He looked at you questionably,surprised at the look on your face.
Your face was so happy looking and the smile was so wide,
it showed all your teeth.
He smiled,hardly waiting for your date.


"Hey (Y/N)",both said.
You looked at him,seeing the white side nervous,and the black side cool as a cucumber.
"Will you go out with us?",both said waiting for your reaction.
You smiled,not freaked out that he was a plant,
he was special.
You nodded making them smirk.

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