First Date (NARUTO)

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For your date Naruto took you for a stroll in the park,
before taking you to his house and making instant ramen,
while watching a movie and talking about stuff you liked.


He made a mini picnic on the training grounds,decorating
the wooden posts with lanterns and such,shocking you,
not knowing Sasuke had it in him.Also,he made the dinner!


You went to his special hill,and layed down on the grass,
enjoying the silence,while stargazing,amazed by the scenery,
making Shikamaru happy,knowing you liked the date he planned.


You went to Gaara's house,and when you walked in you could smell
a vanilla candle lit up and Gaara took you to the couch,putting in a
horror movie.He made an excuse to hug you every time you got scared.


Neji took you to a fancy restaurant,where you had a great time.
After that you took a stroll in the nearby park,passing by the lake,
that was shining because of the moonlight.It was beautifull.


Kiba took you to a park,leading you to the swings.In the sand,
a small picnic was set up with candles everywhere.After the lunch
you sat on the swings talking for hours and hours,until sun set.


You went to a chocolate factory!!And of course did some taste tasting.
It was perfect,you tried different flavors of chocolate and even
got a souvenir!A key-chain made out of chocolate!You were so happy and stuffed.


shino took you to the forest,not really liking the date he planned.
It was nothing special in his mind,but you were fascinated with
different species of butterflies you saw,making Shino very happy and glad.


For starters,Lee took you for a power walk,before heading to a fancy
restaurant,were you had a fantastic meal,and power walking right after,
burning the calories you got from the meal.You were happy,making Lee cry tears of joy!

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