Bokuto Koutarou 《Lose You》

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This font means speaking in English
This font means speaking in Japanese
This font means narrating


~Bree's POV~

"Am I dead or is it just morning?"
"No, you're just stupid."

I jumped off the bed at the sudden voice and looked over, ready to throw daggers at the person who scared the living daylights out of me this early into the morning.

Glaring at the person that was standing beside my bed, my eyes tried to adjust to the morning sunlight as the said person was just a shadow in my eyes.

"I told you that you need glasses~"

It took my brain a few seconds to process the words but I could recognise that voice anywhere.
Rubbing my tired eyes, they land upon my best friend Kat who was comfortably laying on my bed but my eyes land on a tube of cookies n cream ice cream in her hands.

My eyes widen in horror as I faked a heart attack by putting my hand on my heart and a horrified expression on my face.

"You dare take my ice cream!? Oh hell nah!"

I said jokingly and jumped on the bed, wrestling with Kat over the ice cream tube that was luckily out of harms way on the bed side table. Kat being the nice person she is, thought I was joking when I said that I would push her and let out a pained sound as she kissed the bedroom floor.

Ignoring Kat's glare, I happily sat down and ate the rest of the delicious ice cream. Being slightly melted made me eat it more as it was not as cold and wouldn't hurt my throat.

"You are not normal...I think I hurt my jaw."

I chuckled at the sight of Kat in front of me, moving her jaw as it made those annoying clicking sounds. I poked her with my foot and she jumped at the unexpected sensation. Playfully glaring at each other, we started laughing at our own childish antics and Kat moved to lay down beside me and put her head on my shoulder.

Sitting in comfortable silence, Kat and I watched a movie that was currently on the TV as we finished the ice cream.

"How's perfecting your Japanese going?"

I sighed at the age old question. Ever since I've moved to Japan, I tried perfecting it and tried to minimise my English speaking but it's hard when your friend speaks English as well.
Kat moved to Japan recently and she to was struggling with the new environment and language but at least we can go through this together.

Kat and I are both students in Fukurodani, me being a 2nd year and Kat a 1st year. Things were going well at school and we made new friends, including the male volleyball team. It's been a few months since the start of our friendship and a few days since the start of something very nice.

"How's Akaashi doing~"

Teasing her turned into one of my favorite hobbies as she doesn't get angry at it and knows that I, myself,  hate teasing so she doesn't do that to me. Her cheeks turned red at the thought of her first boyfriend who luckily was a nice guy or otherwise, he wouldn't see the light of day when I get him for hurting my bro.

"He called me this morning when he went out for a run. He's taking me to the park later today."

We talked about different topics and Kat and I being always hungry, we went to my small apartment kitchen. I can't cook even if my life depended on it so I rely on Kat to feed me on the weekends. Preparing some quick pancakes, we sat down on the couch and continued our morning chitchat.

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