When You Fall Asleep Against Them (AKATSUKI)

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It was already night time as Pein was slowly coming to a close with his work.

Earlier that day, you decided to join him and help him. The first few hours were kind of fun, as you were bored to death and decided to work, but now? Tired out of your mind.

You started to annoy Pein but that idea soon crumbled as you just got Pein mad, so you kept quiet.

As the work was finally over, Pein looked over to identify the sudden weight on his shoulder and saw your peaceful face.

He couldn't help but smile at the scene and slowly kissed your forehead.

"She got me too lovey-dovey. But, I love her too much to complain."



It was a calm and peaceful day in the Akatsuki hideout.
Your boyfriend Itachi seized the chance to finish his book.

Sitting down on the sofa, he opened his book and started reading.
Of course you were there with him.

It was silent and only your breathes could be heard.
The sound of the fire was calming and it slowly made you drowsy.

The closest thing that was related to a bed and was soft was Itachi's lap.

Not disturbing him in his reading, you set your head down and fell asleep.

As he finished his book, Itachi saw you sleeping on his lap. It was a beautiful sight to see and Itachi slipped a few kisses here and there ;)

"I will protect you when you are the most vulnerable."



Your hyperactive lollipop of a boyfriend and yourself were playing around the hideout, almost knocking down a few members and them (that is Hidan) cursing their heart out.

You two were laughing your butts off as you entered Tobi's room.

Tobi was still staying strong from all that sugar as he leaned on the wall that was next to his bed.

But you? You were a different story but you tried to stay strong for Tobi.

Sitting next to him, you were too tired out to talk so you just listened to Tobi's voice.

Soon enough, you fell asleep.
Tobi had felt the excsess weight on his shoulder and looked down.

"Aw~ (Y/N)-chan is sleeping~"

Using his head for once, he decided not to wake you up but admire your beauty.
But the sugar hit him as well, and he fell asleep with his head on your head.

"You are always cute, but being tired makes you 1000x times cuter."



You and Deidara were enjoying the sunset on the hill where you both met and had your first date.

It was like your secret spot that held a lot of memories.

After watching the sunset, the dark night only made you more sleepy than you were before. And Deidara noticed that.

"Hn. Sleepy? You can lean on me. T-that is i-if you want t-to!"

You giggled at the last part as Deidara turned a noticable shade of pink.
Taking up his offer, you leaned your head on his shoulder.

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