Why Are You Crying? 《BoKuroo One-Shot》

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Warning: contains shipping  (Bokuto×Kuroo) and slight Akaashi×Kenma
This font means thoughts
This font means talking
This font means narrating


The day started out dull as the sun was nowhere to be found in the dark autumn clouds. This weather was common as the change in season was occurring.

Everyone was tired as one of the side effects of this change and that includes a certain young adult who was soundly sleeping on the bed, soft snores emmiting here and there. His hair was all over the place on the pillow and he was in a starfish position with his blanket half on the ground and half on the bed. A small trail of drool decorated his face as his mouth was wide open.

The room was dimly lit and the figure had the opportunity to sleep in as he didn't have any college classes. But alas, the clock soon struck 1pm and the said male groaned in annoyance. He is usually cheerful but when it comes to a dull day like this, his excitement hits zero.

Sitting up in bed, he stretched his sore limbs and rubbed his tired eyes. His eyes had to adjust to the dark room so he was somewhat blind for a while, blinking in an attempt to get rid of the fog he had in front of his eyes.

Moving the blanket that was only covering half of his body, a tall and muscular figure appeared at the window. Opening the curtains, he squinted his eyes and pouted at the bad weather outside. To make matters even worse, he was alone in his shared apartment as his boyfriend was out and in class, leaving him alone for another 2-3 hours.

That only made him pout more and he grumbled something under his breath and kept comparing himself to an acorn less squirrel, unhappy and hungry.

"There better be food in the fridge. I need a coffee too..."

As he arrived in the kitchen, his mood brightened a bit as his eyes landed upon a nicely cooked breakfast on the counter.  A small note was by the rich plate of food, but he simply ignored it and dug in. Stuffing his face with the delicious food, he almost forgot about the note. With one of his hands holding a fork and the other the note, he was reading it and at the same time still eating.

"Oya, oya, oya sleepy head. Had a good sleep? You looked dead and didn't react this morning when I tried to wake you up. You must have been tired. Stop overworking yourself and enjoy some free time today. And try not to choke on the food I made you ;)
~ Kuroo
P. S - I have a special surprise for someone's birthday ;)"

His hand with the fork stopped midway, merely inches away from his mouth. Birthday? Who's birthday is it? His phone was upstairs and they didn't have a calendar anywhere so he is going to ask his boyfriend when he comes back home. Problem solved.


It was already 3pm when Bokuto finished cleaning the leftover dishes and made his bed upstairs. He was now seated on the couch in the living room, watching some dumb TV shows to pass some time. He was so immersed in one of them that he failed to notice the apartment door opening.

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