Movement 22

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"What?" Licht breathed out his question, in shock. She nodded taking her hand in his, determination, hesitance, various emotions she conveyed to him.
"I'm going to tell you the truth about me. Everything I can remember. I don't want to keep you in the dark." She said, quietly ending her sentence.

"(Y/n), you don't have to force yourself to say anything." He said but she shook her head. "No. If I want to be sure of my feelings with you. I want you to know about me too. I don't want to lie and hide only for it to be too late." Licht furrowed his brows trying to make sense of what she meant. But he couldn't, and it made an unknown anxiety boil in him.

She tugged at his arm, "Let's go to the courtyard. It's quiet there." The two then walked through the halls, her dog following them quietly but curiously. They sat upon a stone bench, nothing but silence surrounding them.

"I guess I should start with my childhood." She said suddenly letting out a small giggle out of nowhere.
"I just thought you would've hated me as a child."

"Why?" He asked raising a brow.

"I was such a hyper child. To the point where it was annoying, and I was also very curious so I would try to get into people's business a lot." She explained laughing some more. Licht thought for a moment, but he even couldn't deny the truth.

"That sounds annoying for sure." He said bluntly.
"Oof you're honesty hurts." She joked giggling some more while she clutched her chest, the gradual fade of her light hearted expression caused the air around them to get tense.

"Everything seemed easier when I was younger. When I was ignorant to everything around me...."
A young (h/c), 5 year old girl curiously watched some frogs swim around the water. Two of them, freely swimming around chasing each other, the girl's eyes shined in wonder as they laid upon the two creatures.

"(Y/n)! Please don't stand too close near the edge." An older woman said in a light scold. The girl only giggled jogging as fast as her little legs could up to her.
"Mommy I found two frogs. They looked like they were playing tag!" She exclaimed pointing her finger to the pond. Her mother chuckled at the little girl's energy, smiling down at her warmly.
"Mommy how come I can't play tag with other kids?" She asked, she didn't seem sad, mostly curious. Her mother's warm expression faltered, but she corrected that before returning another smile.
She picked up her and cradled her lovingly. "Well, it's pretty complicated for you to understand right now (Y/n). Your body gets more tired than normal. But when you're little brother or sister comes, you'll have someone to play with right?" She asked, and the excited gleam in her eyes returned as she nodded.

"Yeah! Will they be here soon?" She asked bouncing. Her mother could only laugh. She started walking out of the park carrying (Y/n) with her.
"Yes, yes soon."

Not more than a few months later, (Y/n) spotted her mother and father coming from their car. She had been left with a babysitter for the entire day, so she felt beyond excited when she saw them come up to the door. "Welcome back!" She greeted with a big smile. Only for her to pause when she saw the pain stricken expressions gazing down at her. Her mother didn't even spare a glance, as she passed by her and strode to her room, slamming the door in the process. (Y/n) seemed confused as she tugged at her father's leg. Her father hesitated before kneeling down at her.

"What's wrong with mommy?" (Y/n) asked becoming sad. She then glanced back, "And what about the baby?" The mere words caused her father to flinch, and he sighed at her.

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