Movement 17

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(Y/n) heard faint whispers reach her ears, but she couldn't determine who they belong to. All she heard were mysterious voices. What happened to her in the passing time? Her consciousness was lost and she was drifting in the realm of sleep. Until they started getting louder.

"She's...ving! Hey!"


They just kept getting louder and familiar, then she slowly started to process everything as her eyelids opened sluggishly. The first few seconds, she was hit with a bright light and loud voices that had to potential to bring about a headache. But she shifted, groaning, letting the last seconds of grogginess pass. Her eyes fully opened and she saw a white ceiling. A white ceiling she was indeed quite acquainted with. In a spur of shock she abruptly tried to sit up, only to be stopped by a flooding of pain in her abdomen. She cringed; she bent over as if that would bring relief for the pain.

"(L/n)-chan! Careful!" A loud exclamation and and pair of hands softly held her giving her support. It took a few moments for her to process everything, and the pain wasn't making it easy.

"Mahiru-san?" She finally said quietly recognizing the voice. Her own voice was quiet as if it hurt to speak out. The boy sighed out, a release of tension and he relaxed as he backed off and gave her space. Her eyes scanned everything, and the rest of her senses followed. A hospital room..that was where she was. Her mood dropped and she kept herself slouched over for a minute.

"(L/n)-chan. How're you feeling right now?" Mahiru asked being as cautious as possible.

"I would say I'm fine, but that's not being honest." She said, even her tone seemed quite depressed. She thought to herself of the situation prior, the sudden realization coming to her, cracking like lightening in her brain.

"Licht-san..." The call of his name was quiet, yet it seemed like a yell. Mahiru stiffened, and his expression became dark. At the moment, he now despised himself.

"I'm sorry (L/n)-chan....I couldn't do anything...he got taken."

(Y/n) could only remained silent as the last shred of memory she had before she lost consciousness, was Licht being taken away. The fact settled in her stomach, sinking painfully; the fact that he was only in more danger...that the percent chance of a fatal occurrence has grown in the time passed. For that she feared, to the point where she had begun to feel an underlying panic.

"I'm sorry.." Mahiru's voice cracked, even he sounded like he was in a deep pain. When he didn't need to be. (Y/n) sighed, pushing away everything for a moment, straightening herself. She leaned back, avoiding bringing even more stress to the injured area, and faced him.

"Mahiru-san, you're alright?" She asked observing the boys change in posture.

He let out a bitter chuckle, "Thanks to Licht-san I'm fine physically." He ran his hand through his short hair letting out a frustrated groan.
"Everything's a mess. And now Kuro is trapped."

"Oh! Kuro-san...I wonder what caused that." She spoke recalling the bizarre scene. Mahiru flinched, his mouth in a thin line. But he brought out the sphere holding the lazy vampire. (Y/n) blinked looking at it, to her it looked empty.
"I don't know. I just want to get him out as soon as possible."

(Y/n) paused, now even more confused, to her the sphere was empty. Perhaps this was another Eve and Servamp connection she was unaware of? She didn't want to say anything, so she could only wave awkwardly.
"Kuro-san..I hope you're alright too." She said. Mahiru paused but then spoke in a frantic shock.

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