Movement 7

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Music is in the media as usual

Licht sat on the sofa of his room, his permanent scowl on his face like usual. His fingers tapping the side of the couch in a fidget, like a pattern. He has not heard from (Y/n) within a week, usually he would take the time to practice some more and sharpen his skills. But right now he waited, she would take the time to call him despite his schedule. Not to mention she had precise timing, calling when he was no longer busy. The frustration built up with each passing second, mostly due to worry. It wasn't like him to stress over a person. But when it came to (Y/n) he couldn't help it.

He sighed as he relaxed his posture and leaned back, his mind wandered to the moments when he was with her. She even managed to invade his everyday thoughts. His heart would speed and his cheeks would warm. Why out of all people was he starting to develop interest in her? Maybe because she pushed the boundaries between them? He knew she was super outgoing, or perhaps because Licht felt the magnetic attraction the more time they spent together. He tightened his grip on the end of the sofa as he grit his teeth, the more thoughts he had the more worried he got. And it annoyed him to no end.

"Hm..oh Licht!" He heard Kranz call him. Licht swore if he heard Kranz fan girl again he would kick him like the "shit rat." He got up and walked to a giddy looking Kranz.

"What is it?" He asked disinterested.

"You remember (L/n)-chan?" He asked grinning. Immediately Licht was at attention, inside he was going crazy. She finally contacted him, but on the outside he kept his composure.

"Yes and?" He asked, Kranz only gave him the phone with a hyper giggle, in which Licht responded with an annoyed glare.

He took a couple of moments but finally gave a tiny, quiet greeting, "(Y/n)."

"Licht-san..." His ears caught the sound of her voice, she sounded different. Her voice was hoarse almost as if she had done a lot of coughing or crying. And it sounded less bright to him.

"I'm sorry, I haven't called in a while." She said.

It daunted him, that her voice sounded like that, the brightness leaving every second she spoke. It was almost like her voice was strained.

"Don't be. I'm busy as it is anyway." He said. He didn't mean to sound harsh, but he couldn't help it. He still was too stubborn to admit he was worried out loud.

" I'm assuming you're practicing then?"

"No, I just finished. (Y/n)...what's wrong with your voice?" He asked. He wanted to know, his mind needed to. Anything to get rid of the building worry.

"Oh..." She said before giving a nervous chuckle.

"I think the rain did get me sick." She said.

"Well it was your choice to be in the rain."

"I know."

Another question came into Licht's mind, "But you were sick for a whole week?" He asked. He knew next to nothing about sickness, his body was one to recover quickly. But he knew it never took someone this long to recover from a rain induced sickness.

"Ah, well..." He heard the hesitance in her voice trying to formulate an excuse.

"My immune system is not the best. Actually it's the worst. So it takes me a while." She admitted. The declaration not help Licht at all, the news entirely new. His thoughts ran wild as questions popped up one after another.

"Are you ok?" Was all he could ask, he considered it would be too nosy and rude to ask a lot of personal questions. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or worse.

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